The Importance of Feeling Worthy
The Source of All That Is, is a loving vibration of Peace, Love, and Joyous acceptance of and for YOU! The Great Spirit loves you just as you love your children.. Would you not throw yourself in front of a train to protect your children? Would you not climb the highest mountain for them to have all that they need to feel happy and complete? The love that Great Spirit has for you is a constant love, never ceasing, never wavering. The Divine Matrix of intelligence and creativity is a constant supply of abundant positivity. The only thing that separates you from that powerful love and joy is your own belief of unworthiness. The energy of love is flowing all around you and when you allow it, it will flow into you. Drop the act of not being deserving. Drop the act of punishment and imperfection. There is no punishment but the punishment we inflict on ourselves. Feeling worthy of the Universal Love comes down to a choice. If you feel you have “sinned” and deserve to be punished then you will continue to separate yourself from that glorious feeling of Unconditional Love. We tend to focus on our mistakes and imperfections rather than on the positive attributes we carry with us everyday.
Remember this: The word ‘sin’ is an Old English archery term and it means, “Off the mark.”
What are the things you can do to feel more worthy of connecting to Spirit?
1. Blessing others for one hour.
2. Climb for Atonement
3. Write down all of your personal qualities and unselfish acts you have performed in your life that give you a feeling of self pride. Self pride is very different from false pride. Self pride is about honoring your true nature of goodness and worthiness of love and appreciation. It could be anything from rescuing an animal, planting a seed, watering your neighbors lawn and taking in their mail and newspapers, giving money to a homeless person, smiling at an unhappy child, giving an unexpected gift, giving an unsolicited compliment, …..write them all down….keep writing until you feel worthy. Go all the way back to kindergarten, when you made a clay ashtray for your mother with unspoiled love. List them all, big and small and keep writing until you begin to remember your goodness and your worthiness. Include all statements like, “I am funny. I use humor to lighten up others.” “I am generous with praise.” “I read to my children even though I feel too tired to do so, because I love them. I am a good mother/father.” “I’ve been a good friend.” “I am creative.” These are the gifts and qualities of your spirit and Spirit wants you to acknowledge your gifts, talents and qualities. If you need help with this process go ask your loved ones, friends and family to offer up three things they appreciate and know about you.
4. Rule of Five: Go out right now and do 5 anonymous good deeds. It can be sending a card to someone signed, “Someone who loves you.” You can send 5 if you want. Or bake some cookies for a local hospital or nursing home and drop them off without your name or need for attention or thanks. Have an old back pack? Fill it with your half empty shampoos and lotions you never use and hand it off to a homeless shelter. Take a blanket to a homeless person. Put a secret message in a book at your local library that will leave someone with a good feeling. Next time you drive through a Starbucks or McDonalds, pay for the person behind you to have a free cup of coffee or soft drink. Go plant a tree. Be creative. It will amplify your feelings of worthiness. Next time you shop at Costco pick up an extra case of canned fruit or vegetables and drop them off at your local food bank or church. Be of service anonymously FIVE times in one day and you will shift your feelings of deservingness.
5. Look around nature and count all the things that you find beautiful. Every blade of grass, cloud, flower, animal, tree, breeze and keep counting the gifts that Source or Great Spirit has given you because you do deserve.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
How do you want to do it?
How are you feeling? Feeling good? Feeling empowered? Did you remember to remember that the Divine Matrix of Universal Love and Wisdom is responding to you right now? Don't want to call it that? Would you rather call it God? Divine Intelligence? Personal Brain Power? Higher Self? Source? Great Spirit? The Force? Call it whatever feels right to you. IT IS. That's all you need to know and trust. It always is.....responding to you. Every minute of everyday, 24/7. It is duplicating what you are thinking and feeling into your present physical experience. What you put out, you draw back to you. Kinda like a boomerang. The Divine Matrix, I call God and I sometimes call The Force, is always drawing to you more of what you are putting your attention on. Oh dear.... You might want to shift your perspective and your emotions and your thoughts to how you want to feel. Ask your divine team of spirits to tell you the best way to manage your situation. Ask for clarity. Ask for guidance. Declare your intentions and ask if they are in alignment with your greatest good. You may receive a 'no' answer. You may receive a 'yes'. But you will receive direction if you ask for it. You might hear, "Trust that you are not alone." Sometimes just recognizing that you don't do anything alone is sufficient to shift your vibration a little, a baby step. If you want direction, ask for it and wait to see the answer. Feel what it feels like to Trust that there is a spirit present with you right now....perhaps many. I often see mulitple guides and angels around my clients when I do readings. I see thier family and loved ones, sometimes their pets and children. They love being around you, listening and feeling you and amplifying your intentions. Ask yourself what you've been putting your attention on. Are you vibrating at trust? Can you start Trusting that when you connect with the Divine you are heard, you are loved, you are guided and you are empowered? You can know and trust that when you engage in a partnership with the Divine, you are loved, protected, healed, and empowered with the ability to create your experiences deliberately! Consciously and deliberatly choose the beliefs you want to have. Choose the ones that will lift you, like, "This is all going to resolve in a way that is beneficial to me and everyone involved." When you believe it and accept it and trust that it is so, then so it is. Let the universe respond to that!
Let go of the beliefs that hinder you. Let go of the lower vibrations right now and put your attention on your relationship with Spirit! Amplify your desires. Choose to believe in your highest good. Suspend all doubt. Trust completely. Have faith. The great teacher Jesus said that the miracles he performed were things we could do and that we could do much more. So start believing in your ability to create what you prefer. "I am Prosperity. I am INTUITIVE. Everything always works out perfectly for me. I am divinely guided to experience my highest good. I am always healthy. I want to feel more loving and lovable today and everyday! I want to respond to life with YES! Yes to love. Yes to radiant health. Yes to abundant prosperity. Yes to fun. Yes to patience. Yes to faith and trust and wisdom. Yes, to spiritual guidance. Yes to healthy relationships. Yes to success. Yes to a renewed country and continent and planet. The universe always responds to you. If you say yes more often, you will more likely get yes right back.
Try it, you'll like it. Experiment with it. You've got nothing to lose but sadness, depression, guilt, fear, illness, poverty, blah blah blah. >grins< That's right folks. Go play with it, and watch for the positive evidence that Spirit always responds.
Let go of the beliefs that hinder you. Let go of the lower vibrations right now and put your attention on your relationship with Spirit! Amplify your desires. Choose to believe in your highest good. Suspend all doubt. Trust completely. Have faith. The great teacher Jesus said that the miracles he performed were things we could do and that we could do much more. So start believing in your ability to create what you prefer. "I am Prosperity. I am INTUITIVE. Everything always works out perfectly for me. I am divinely guided to experience my highest good. I am always healthy. I want to feel more loving and lovable today and everyday! I want to respond to life with YES! Yes to love. Yes to radiant health. Yes to abundant prosperity. Yes to fun. Yes to patience. Yes to faith and trust and wisdom. Yes, to spiritual guidance. Yes to healthy relationships. Yes to success. Yes to a renewed country and continent and planet. The universe always responds to you. If you say yes more often, you will more likely get yes right back.
Try it, you'll like it. Experiment with it. You've got nothing to lose but sadness, depression, guilt, fear, illness, poverty, blah blah blah. >grins< That's right folks. Go play with it, and watch for the positive evidence that Spirit always responds.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Holding On
What are you holding onto? What feelings are you addicted to? What emotions repeatedly surface in your body even when you want to just relax and meditate? Have you ever said to yourself, "I'm going to sit and relax and meditate about peace and love." then jumped up to get something done and found yourself agitated about something else? That is your first clue that you are holding onto something your lower and middle self mind does not want to acknowledge. You find yourself in front of your computer, television or refrigerator or out on the patio with a cigarette in your mouth. These are the distractions we use to avoid feeling what we are holding onto.
We have an experience, maybe not so great, we feel angry, unsupported, unsafe, afraid, bitter, blame, blah, blah, blah....then we blow it up and make it really big, like a huge helium balloon full of our shouts, screams and cries. We fill it with our feelings of revenge and remorse and rage. We tie a rope to it and hold on for dear life because we never know when we may want to revisit that injustice. We end up walking around holding onto dozens of ropes with all of our disappointing experiences, our embarrassing moments, our shame, guilt and blame and whenever we want to just sit down and relax....we can't...we are holding on very tightly to the ropes of our past experiences.
LET THEM GO! more on this later...I have a class starting in a few minutes...
Okay, I'm back.
So, imagine all of these massive balloons that hold your stories and emotions. Some are larger than others. A few may be as large as a Goodyear Blimp. We say things to ourselves and to anyone who will listen, that we are victims of such and such. We have proof and evidence if not chilling stories of neglect, abandonment, abuse, thievery, grief and heartbreak. We say things like, "I'm angry." "I'm sad." "I am furious!" "I am heartbroken.", as if your emotions are who you are. We own our emotions and wear them and revisit them. We hold onto them as a badge of some kind. Suffering becomes proof that we exist. "See my pain?"
Emotions are an energy and energy is transmuttable. Our emotions are supposed to be experienced, allowed and released. Emotions are designed to be temporary. They have a beginning, a middle and an end. But, somehow, in our intellectual evolution, we decided to analyse them, dissect them, focus on them and show and tell them. On one hand, that can be therapeutic, if, and this is a big "if", we use the opportunity to experience the emotion to it's completion.
I had a traumatic experience when I was a little girl. It was a near death experience at the hands of a family member. I was terrified but I was not allowed to cry about it. I was hushed. It was to be a secret. I was not allowed to feel my fear to it's conclusion. Many years later, as a young adult, I began experiencing panic attacks. The fear was re-asserting itself, because that is how energy moves. The experience was just the story. The story was unimportant except to bring up the emotion for it to be experienced and released. Once I finally confronted my panic attacks by asking my Higher Self from where it originated, I realized what was happening. I took a few minutes to process the energy (emotion) without responding to it. I allowed myself to feel that energy I had labeled as "bad" which was just an emotion we call fear, and as it moved through my body I allowed it to do what it needed to do. It took no more than 50 seconds for it to lift off of my body, like letting go of the rope attached to a balloon, it lifting away and was over. I never had another panic attack.
I've written about this process before but it is worth repeating.
If you can't sleep without the television on, if you can't rest quietly for 20 minutes without music, a book, something to distract you, you may want to ask yourself what it is you are trying to avoid feeling. Feel it without responding to it. Feel it, observe it as an energy, a creation of sorts, a work of art, and allow yourself, give yourself permission to let go of the grip you have on that experience. Set yourself free.
We have an experience, maybe not so great, we feel angry, unsupported, unsafe, afraid, bitter, blame, blah, blah, blah....then we blow it up and make it really big, like a huge helium balloon full of our shouts, screams and cries. We fill it with our feelings of revenge and remorse and rage. We tie a rope to it and hold on for dear life because we never know when we may want to revisit that injustice. We end up walking around holding onto dozens of ropes with all of our disappointing experiences, our embarrassing moments, our shame, guilt and blame and whenever we want to just sit down and relax....we can't...we are holding on very tightly to the ropes of our past experiences.
LET THEM GO! more on this later...I have a class starting in a few minutes...
Okay, I'm back.
So, imagine all of these massive balloons that hold your stories and emotions. Some are larger than others. A few may be as large as a Goodyear Blimp. We say things to ourselves and to anyone who will listen, that we are victims of such and such. We have proof and evidence if not chilling stories of neglect, abandonment, abuse, thievery, grief and heartbreak. We say things like, "I'm angry." "I'm sad." "I am furious!" "I am heartbroken.", as if your emotions are who you are. We own our emotions and wear them and revisit them. We hold onto them as a badge of some kind. Suffering becomes proof that we exist. "See my pain?"
Emotions are an energy and energy is transmuttable. Our emotions are supposed to be experienced, allowed and released. Emotions are designed to be temporary. They have a beginning, a middle and an end. But, somehow, in our intellectual evolution, we decided to analyse them, dissect them, focus on them and show and tell them. On one hand, that can be therapeutic, if, and this is a big "if", we use the opportunity to experience the emotion to it's completion.
I had a traumatic experience when I was a little girl. It was a near death experience at the hands of a family member. I was terrified but I was not allowed to cry about it. I was hushed. It was to be a secret. I was not allowed to feel my fear to it's conclusion. Many years later, as a young adult, I began experiencing panic attacks. The fear was re-asserting itself, because that is how energy moves. The experience was just the story. The story was unimportant except to bring up the emotion for it to be experienced and released. Once I finally confronted my panic attacks by asking my Higher Self from where it originated, I realized what was happening. I took a few minutes to process the energy (emotion) without responding to it. I allowed myself to feel that energy I had labeled as "bad" which was just an emotion we call fear, and as it moved through my body I allowed it to do what it needed to do. It took no more than 50 seconds for it to lift off of my body, like letting go of the rope attached to a balloon, it lifting away and was over. I never had another panic attack.
I've written about this process before but it is worth repeating.
If you can't sleep without the television on, if you can't rest quietly for 20 minutes without music, a book, something to distract you, you may want to ask yourself what it is you are trying to avoid feeling. Feel it without responding to it. Feel it, observe it as an energy, a creation of sorts, a work of art, and allow yourself, give yourself permission to let go of the grip you have on that experience. Set yourself free.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
"The Book of Runes"
A Gift
Drawing this Rune is an indication that Partnership in some form is at hand. But you are put on notice not to collapse yourself into that union. For true Partnership is only achieved by separate and whole beings who retain their uniqueness even as they unite. Remember to let the winds of Heaven dance between you.
There is another realm of Partnership that we are being called to consider. For the path of partnership can lead you to the realization of a still greater union--union with the Higher Self, union with the Divine. the ultimate gift of this Rune is the realization of the Divine in all things: God always enters into equal partnerships.
Gebo, the Rune of Partnership, has no Reverse: It signifies the gift of freedom from which flow all other gifts.
A Gift
Drawing this Rune is an indication that Partnership in some form is at hand. But you are put on notice not to collapse yourself into that union. For true Partnership is only achieved by separate and whole beings who retain their uniqueness even as they unite. Remember to let the winds of Heaven dance between you.
There is another realm of Partnership that we are being called to consider. For the path of partnership can lead you to the realization of a still greater union--union with the Higher Self, union with the Divine. the ultimate gift of this Rune is the realization of the Divine in all things: God always enters into equal partnerships.
Gebo, the Rune of Partnership, has no Reverse: It signifies the gift of freedom from which flow all other gifts.
"The Healing Runes"

This is a Rune of restoration. It calls for the rebuilding of belief in yourself, in your life and, if you have fallen away, in your relationship with the Divine.
It has been said that faith is not belief without proof, but rather trust without reservation, and that trust, when cared for and respected, encourages the self to blossom. Trust is divine medicine.
For some, drawing this Rune asks you to show trust in a present situation. For others, it calls for embracing the changes you are facing with trust and wisdom.
If this Rune applies to your relationship with yourself, know that love grows when trust is present. And in relationships of the heart, remember that I love you and I trust you are two stones for crossing the same stream.
On the other hand, if trust is lacking in your life, consider what you can do to restore it, or to create it where it never was. For trust is the foundation upon which we build our lives and do God's work in the world. However oppressive or painful the moment may seem, this rune urges you to have faith and to know that, as you heal, you will be able to trust again.
Look at it this way: Each time you face the issue of trust, you are being asked to grow. When you push through your fears and trust your feelings, you do grow --- and trust grows in you.
Receiving this Rune, you are encouraged to take the first step, to reclaim the lost trust you once cherished and thrived upon. We are born to live our lives in trust. Let no one tell you differently.
Know thyself was the counsel of the Oracle at Delphi in ancient Greece. Now, at the close of the twentieth century [and the beginning of the twenty-first] to those wise words let us add: Trust and heal thyself.
Persevere in your journey, and trust in your healing process, for both are uniquely yours and as individual as fingerprints and snowflakes.
Whenever this Rune comes to you, remember the wise teacher, the one that speaks from the silence within us.
The breath of heaven is everywhere trust is.
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Beautiful Storm
A short but powerful thunderstorm blew through Los Angeles last night. It was spectacular. The wonderful steamy fragrance of summer rain is one of my favorite experiences. Combine that with the lightening show and ground shaking thunder and there's no need for anything else but perhaps a glass of iced tea.
August is my least favorite month of the year for a number of reasons so I had to find some August experiences to be grateful for today. I am grateful for the summer storm last night. I am grateful for my beautiful garden that is drinking up all the sunlight. I am grateful for summer dresses and cute sandals and painted toes. I am grateful that the football season has started with preseason games. I'm grateful for watermelon, cherries and nectarines. Life is good.
August is my least favorite month of the year for a number of reasons so I had to find some August experiences to be grateful for today. I am grateful for the summer storm last night. I am grateful for my beautiful garden that is drinking up all the sunlight. I am grateful for summer dresses and cute sandals and painted toes. I am grateful that the football season has started with preseason games. I'm grateful for watermelon, cherries and nectarines. Life is good.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Trusting Intuition
Most of us were taught in childhood not to trust our feelings, not to express ourselves honestly and not to recognize our inner creative , loving and powerful nature. Some of us learned very negative beliefs about ourselves. The casual comments by parents can become the very obstacles we face later in life when we are faced with looking for the truth about our resistance to be the beautiful, powerful, and intuitive adults we want to be.
When we consistently suppress and distrust our intuitive knowingness, looking instead for authority, validation, and approval from others, we give our personal power away. This leads to feelings of helplessness, emptiness, a sense of being a victim; eventually to anger and rage, and if these feelings are also suppressed, to depression and deadness. We may simply succumb to these feelings, lead a life of quiet numbness and desperation until we die. Or, we may overcompensate for our feelings of powerlessness by attempting to control and manipulate other people and our environment. And some, as we've seen,eventually burst forth with uncontrolled rage which is highly exaggerated and distorted by its long suppression.
It's important to acknowledge your feelings. Feel them. Allow them to move through you. Own them. They are your personal intuitive communication which, if allowed, will lead you to freedom. Trust what you feel. When you are willing to fully experience a particular feeling, the blocked energy releases quickly and the feeling dissolves. It is the suppression of feelings that causes your pain and depression. It is resistance to feeling that deadens your life.
Emotions are cyclical in nature and, like the eather, they are constantly changing. Int he course of an hour, a day, or a week we may move through a wide range of feelings. If we understand this, we can learn to enjoy all our feelings and simply allow them to keep changing. Allow them to change. Allow them to move through and release your powerful energy. Trust what you feel. Trust your intuition.
When we consistently suppress and distrust our intuitive knowingness, looking instead for authority, validation, and approval from others, we give our personal power away. This leads to feelings of helplessness, emptiness, a sense of being a victim; eventually to anger and rage, and if these feelings are also suppressed, to depression and deadness. We may simply succumb to these feelings, lead a life of quiet numbness and desperation until we die. Or, we may overcompensate for our feelings of powerlessness by attempting to control and manipulate other people and our environment. And some, as we've seen,eventually burst forth with uncontrolled rage which is highly exaggerated and distorted by its long suppression.
It's important to acknowledge your feelings. Feel them. Allow them to move through you. Own them. They are your personal intuitive communication which, if allowed, will lead you to freedom. Trust what you feel. When you are willing to fully experience a particular feeling, the blocked energy releases quickly and the feeling dissolves. It is the suppression of feelings that causes your pain and depression. It is resistance to feeling that deadens your life.
Emotions are cyclical in nature and, like the eather, they are constantly changing. Int he course of an hour, a day, or a week we may move through a wide range of feelings. If we understand this, we can learn to enjoy all our feelings and simply allow them to keep changing. Allow them to change. Allow them to move through and release your powerful energy. Trust what you feel. Trust your intuition.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I've changed some links...
I've updated the links on the right. Steven Morrison's blog is taking a long vacation but you can see his website for Spiritually and you'll be able to contact him there. I removed Randi Rhodes because she was getting too far out even for me and I cleaned up some of the links that ended up leading to nowhere. Just so you know.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
The Judging Game
How many times have you said out loud, or at the very least thought, "What an IDIOT!"? I've thought it and said it out loud thousands of times. We get a bit of an ego hit on declaring someone an idiot. We get to feel superior for a brief moment, if not for an entire day when we look outside at the world and at all of the people, comparing ourselves to them and declaring ourselves to be smarter or better.
I've judged drivers for driving too fast and others for driving too slow. I felt vendicated when I heard George Carlin do a bit about that. He said, "Have you ever noticed how drivers who go too fast are assholes and the ones who drive too slow are idiots?" I related to that joke. I've judged my neighbors for the trash they throw away if it's something that can be recycled. I've judged boyfriends for drinking too much and girlfriends for not drinking enough! I've judged family and friends and clients and there have been times I've even judged God.
Of course, nowadays, my occasional judgements and declarations of others being idiots are usually followed by a voice inside my head, (my Higher Self voice), "Now, Elizabeth. "Judge not lest ye be judged." It's just no fun anymore. And besides,the people I've declared to be idiots are, in fact, not idiots. Well, most of them anyway.
John Edwards is not an idiot. Let's face it. He attended Clemson University and transferred to North Carolina State University and graduated with high honors earning a bachelor's degree in textile technology in 1974, and later earned his Juris Doctor from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with honors. But I couldn't help but say out loud yesterday, "Is he an IDIOT?" What was that man thinking? Didn't he notice the camera's on him 24/7? Didn't he at least hear about the public humiliation of Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich and all the others who have taken the same path of hypocritical deception and denial? Did he really think at all? Where was that man's mind? Did he lose it completely? Add the fact that he cheated on his beautiful wife who was fighting cancer at the time and I could really get heated up. Anyone who has ever had a husband or wife or lover cheat and lie can empathise with his wife and call him all kinds of names.
I recently received an email where the author declared Al Gore to be an idiot. Come on! He graduated cum laude from Harvard and has won the Nobel Peace Prize. He isn't an idiot. He is an author and Academy Award winning movie maker. He may not align with the ideals of others but that does not make him an idiot. The author was responding to an email about the people who voted for George Bush apologizing for their lack of good judgement. It was meant to be a joke but since she did vote for him she perhaps felt defensive about her choice considering the mess he has made of things. It's easier to call others idiots than accept our own limitations and mistakes.
Now, mind you, I've done some pretty stupid things in my life. I've done things that even while doing them I thought to myself, "Why are you doing this? This is stupid." and, yet, I was somehow compelled by my lower self ego to continue doing it. I've continued relationships with people I knew I should have stayed away from. Yet, I can rationalize that by pointing out that I was not married at the time. I've invested money in places I shouldn't have and I've loaned money to people who were untrustworthy. Does that make me an idiot? Probably not, but I sure felt like one. I've jumped before looking and I've behaved in ways that could be described as, well, idiotic. And I was judging myself all the way if not directly afterwards. I judged myself for not finishing college. I've judged myself for dressing inappropriately and for not minding my own business. I've judged myself for trying too hard and for not trying hard enough I've judged myself having poor judgement and I've judge myself for being judgemental. Ha! I've judged myself for failing clients and for not doing my best when doing my best would have just taken a little more effort.
So, for me, it comes down to this. I judged a woman yesterday for calling someone I admire an idiot. I judged her for judging him, "wrongly" and then I went ahead and judged John Edwards for doing what millions, perhaps billions have done before him. I judged myself yesterday for failing at a job I had committed to. So, in turn, it felt good to judge John Edwards and sender of the email because who I was really judging, was me.
This ego game of judging others is a way to make ourselves not feel so stupid for the things we've done in the past. The things that we still hold onto, the shoulda, woulda, coulda's of life. "Well, at least I never did that! What an idiot!" Whew, now I feel better.
What do we do to stop this negative dialog and energy we keep activated and amplified by our judgements?
Forgive. Forgive ourselves for being human. Forgive others for being human. Forgive the George Bushes, Dick Cheneys, John Edwards, Brittany Spears, John McCainss and Barack Obama and anyone whose lives we scrutinize and blame and judge. Forgive our past transgressions and our future mistakes, because there will be more coming. Life is like that.
We are mirrors of each other. What I judge in others, I judge in myself. Accepting that we are all perfectly imperfect and forgiving ourselves for being less than we expect of ourselves will heal more of what we see in each other than any of us can imagine. Did that make sense? I'll have to read it again later.
I saw a bumper sticker once. "Think you're perfect? Try walking on water!"
I've judged drivers for driving too fast and others for driving too slow. I felt vendicated when I heard George Carlin do a bit about that. He said, "Have you ever noticed how drivers who go too fast are assholes and the ones who drive too slow are idiots?" I related to that joke. I've judged my neighbors for the trash they throw away if it's something that can be recycled. I've judged boyfriends for drinking too much and girlfriends for not drinking enough! I've judged family and friends and clients and there have been times I've even judged God.
Of course, nowadays, my occasional judgements and declarations of others being idiots are usually followed by a voice inside my head, (my Higher Self voice), "Now, Elizabeth. "Judge not lest ye be judged." It's just no fun anymore. And besides,the people I've declared to be idiots are, in fact, not idiots. Well, most of them anyway.
John Edwards is not an idiot. Let's face it. He attended Clemson University and transferred to North Carolina State University and graduated with high honors earning a bachelor's degree in textile technology in 1974, and later earned his Juris Doctor from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with honors. But I couldn't help but say out loud yesterday, "Is he an IDIOT?" What was that man thinking? Didn't he notice the camera's on him 24/7? Didn't he at least hear about the public humiliation of Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich and all the others who have taken the same path of hypocritical deception and denial? Did he really think at all? Where was that man's mind? Did he lose it completely? Add the fact that he cheated on his beautiful wife who was fighting cancer at the time and I could really get heated up. Anyone who has ever had a husband or wife or lover cheat and lie can empathise with his wife and call him all kinds of names.
I recently received an email where the author declared Al Gore to be an idiot. Come on! He graduated cum laude from Harvard and has won the Nobel Peace Prize. He isn't an idiot. He is an author and Academy Award winning movie maker. He may not align with the ideals of others but that does not make him an idiot. The author was responding to an email about the people who voted for George Bush apologizing for their lack of good judgement. It was meant to be a joke but since she did vote for him she perhaps felt defensive about her choice considering the mess he has made of things. It's easier to call others idiots than accept our own limitations and mistakes.
Now, mind you, I've done some pretty stupid things in my life. I've done things that even while doing them I thought to myself, "Why are you doing this? This is stupid." and, yet, I was somehow compelled by my lower self ego to continue doing it. I've continued relationships with people I knew I should have stayed away from. Yet, I can rationalize that by pointing out that I was not married at the time. I've invested money in places I shouldn't have and I've loaned money to people who were untrustworthy. Does that make me an idiot? Probably not, but I sure felt like one. I've jumped before looking and I've behaved in ways that could be described as, well, idiotic. And I was judging myself all the way if not directly afterwards. I judged myself for not finishing college. I've judged myself for dressing inappropriately and for not minding my own business. I've judged myself for trying too hard and for not trying hard enough I've judged myself having poor judgement and I've judge myself for being judgemental. Ha! I've judged myself for failing clients and for not doing my best when doing my best would have just taken a little more effort.
So, for me, it comes down to this. I judged a woman yesterday for calling someone I admire an idiot. I judged her for judging him, "wrongly" and then I went ahead and judged John Edwards for doing what millions, perhaps billions have done before him. I judged myself yesterday for failing at a job I had committed to. So, in turn, it felt good to judge John Edwards and sender of the email because who I was really judging, was me.
This ego game of judging others is a way to make ourselves not feel so stupid for the things we've done in the past. The things that we still hold onto, the shoulda, woulda, coulda's of life. "Well, at least I never did that! What an idiot!" Whew, now I feel better.
What do we do to stop this negative dialog and energy we keep activated and amplified by our judgements?
Forgive. Forgive ourselves for being human. Forgive others for being human. Forgive the George Bushes, Dick Cheneys, John Edwards, Brittany Spears, John McCainss and Barack Obama and anyone whose lives we scrutinize and blame and judge. Forgive our past transgressions and our future mistakes, because there will be more coming. Life is like that.
We are mirrors of each other. What I judge in others, I judge in myself. Accepting that we are all perfectly imperfect and forgiving ourselves for being less than we expect of ourselves will heal more of what we see in each other than any of us can imagine. Did that make sense? I'll have to read it again later.
I saw a bumper sticker once. "Think you're perfect? Try walking on water!"
Thursday, August 07, 2008
You Are Not Spam
August 2, 2008 — permalink
You knew that already, and now we do too. We have now restored all accounts that were mistakenly marked as spam yesterday. (See: Spam Fridays)
We want to offer our sincerest apologies to affected bloggers and their readers. We’ve tracked down the problem to a bug in our data processing code that locked blogs even when our algorithms concluded they were not spam. We are adding additional monitoring and process checks to ensure that bugs of this magnitude are caught before they can affect your data.
August 2, 2008 — permalink
You knew that already, and now we do too. We have now restored all accounts that were mistakenly marked as spam yesterday. (See: Spam Fridays)
We want to offer our sincerest apologies to affected bloggers and their readers. We’ve tracked down the problem to a bug in our data processing code that locked blogs even when our algorithms concluded they were not spam. We are adding additional monitoring and process checks to ensure that bugs of this magnitude are caught before they can affect your data.
Okay, all is well. Blogger had an issue, it is resolved and we're back in business.
I've written a bit about dreams and their messages before. Clients often will call asking for clarification about dreams they've had. Well, last night I had one that didn't take much digging to find the meaning and message.
I was on a military base teaching my spiritual intuition class to a mixed class of civilians and military personnel. There were many distractions and interruptions from people walking through the class when we were in a guided meditation and from clients walking in late pushing strollers with their babies and an interruption from the person who scheduled and organized the class. We had to move from one area to another. I was calm and focused, for the most part, but it was beginning to get to me. I took a deep breath and started in again with the chapter on Source Energy. I looked into the face of a soldier who at first looked disbelieving but after two or three more sentences I could see his confusion melt into understanding, and enlightenment.
I have been experiencing many obstacles with launching the larger class material and there have been moments when I was nearly ready to give up. Something in me pushes me to persist. I script for courage and guidance. I script for patience and understanding. I script for abundant prosperity so that I can move forward with my creation. The dream was telling me that if I persist, as I move over and around the obstacles, I will succeed in delivering the materials that will lead to the enlightenment to those who are seeking it.
Determination, perseverance, tenacity, and courage are in me.
I've written a bit about dreams and their messages before. Clients often will call asking for clarification about dreams they've had. Well, last night I had one that didn't take much digging to find the meaning and message.
I was on a military base teaching my spiritual intuition class to a mixed class of civilians and military personnel. There were many distractions and interruptions from people walking through the class when we were in a guided meditation and from clients walking in late pushing strollers with their babies and an interruption from the person who scheduled and organized the class. We had to move from one area to another. I was calm and focused, for the most part, but it was beginning to get to me. I took a deep breath and started in again with the chapter on Source Energy. I looked into the face of a soldier who at first looked disbelieving but after two or three more sentences I could see his confusion melt into understanding, and enlightenment.
I have been experiencing many obstacles with launching the larger class material and there have been moments when I was nearly ready to give up. Something in me pushes me to persist. I script for courage and guidance. I script for patience and understanding. I script for abundant prosperity so that I can move forward with my creation. The dream was telling me that if I persist, as I move over and around the obstacles, I will succeed in delivering the materials that will lead to the enlightenment to those who are seeking it.
Determination, perseverance, tenacity, and courage are in me.
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