Elizabeth, excuse me for being ignorant, but what IS a "reading"? I don't really know. Healings I sort of understand, so if you will help me understand what a "reading" is, I would surely appreciate it.There are terms used in my field that aren't as user friendly as they could be. I struggle with terms like,
readings, medium, clairvoyant, psychic, channel, even
healer. It has taken me years to accept the labels on the work I do. It turns people off and, frankly, it turns me off. It's all so
New Age if you know what I mean. I actually had to go to another healer to get over my resistance to calling myself a healer. The truth is, healers don't heal. We facilitate healing. We create a space for healing to take place. Healing can be anything that moves a person from a lower level vibration to a higher vibration. It really can be as simple as a smile.
reading is what I call a session where I sit with a client or clients and create a space for communication with my intuitive consciousness. I start by blessing the space we have created. I ask for all of our Angels, Guides, Teachers, Ancestors and whoever wants to communicate to honor our space with their guidance, wisdom, love and protection. I thank them in advance for their willingness to come to our sessions and share.
Because I am considered,
clairvoyant, (clear seeing) I use Third Eye Sight. The Third Eye is the chakra just above and between your eyebrows. Chakras are just a vortex of energy. We have seven, possibly eight major chakras. Root, Second or spleen chakra, Solar Plexis, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown...(where halo's come from) We have many minor chakras, that is the energy meridian system that acupuncture medicine uses to clear or unblock the flow of your spiritual energy or chi. There are many names for that energy in as many countries, cultures and religions.
Maybe this is a better way of explaining. The other day I had a session
or reading with a woman I had never met before and knew nothing about. Her first question was this, "Tell me about Jesse. (I've changed the name for professional reasons) My head turned to the right and a picture appeared. I saw a young boy standing at a gate on a dirt road. There was nothing on the other side of the gate, nothing but a large expanse of land, desert, mountains, shrubs. On his side of the gate was the same. He just stood there with his back to me. The gate had a large padlock on it that was rusty and old. The gate was not attached to a fence, so he could easily go around it. He also had the key to the lock in his pocket. He was quite content to stay right where he was, however. Not moving forward, not going around, no ambition to do anything but simply be right where he was. He didn't have any fear, just no motivation to do anything but simply be.
She confirmed that the image I had been shown was a perfect description of her son. It was told to me....(from my intuition or communication with whoever was showing me the image) that the lock was placed there by her. She is over protective of her son. She began to tear. I reminded her that not only could he choose to walk around, he also had a key to unlock the gate.
There were many other questions she had and I answered each one as I was shown or told.
The reading or session lasted about an hour or an hour and a half.
One session, recently, included a body scan. I looked at his body from head to toe to see if I could see any blockage. I dark area appeared low in his pelvis. I looked harder until I could see that his prostate was being compromised by his blocked emotion. This particular client is a skeptic. He has had two readings with me and still skeptical of the information I receive, even though he also suspects he has a prostate problem. His answer to my 'knowing' this information was, "Well, a man my age, 40, is likely to have a prostate problem." Hmmm. Okay.
Some people ask me who their spirit guides or companions are. I will see 'them' on the other side and describe what I see. The information for what their purpose is in their relationship is usually very clear.
I may see someones mother who has passed over or their father, grandmother or aunt. I may see a new baby energy coming through. One woman I met on the street last May had two energies around her that looked like children, so I asked, "You have two children?" She said, "No, only one." I asked, "Are you sure?" As if she wouldn't know how many children she had. She went home and took a pregnancy test and was indeed pregnant. Her baby is the reason I am here in Denver. Baby May was delivered in her parent's bed thirteen days ago.
Sometimes the messages come in pictures, sometimes in a physical sensation, and sometimes in a telepathic communication. I do not hear voices. Never have been able to.
So, a
reading is a reading of energetic vibrations. As in the post below, the one with the picture of my grandchildren, the energetic vibrations have a form. The form, in a reading, is what communicates with me.
Years ago, ten or more years ago, a client came in for a massage. During the massage a spirit appeared. I described what I was seeing and the client said, "It's my mother. She died 12 years ago." Her mother showed me a box and communicated that this particular box was very important. She opened it but wouldn't show me what was inside. I shared the information with the client and she didn't know of a box belonging to her mother but she was leaving the next day for her childhood home in Virginia or Maryland...someplace back there...near D.C. and she would ask her father about it. Two days later she called, crying. She and her father searched the house from attic to basement. Every closet, every nooky and cranny was opened and thoroughly inspected. Finally...in the basement, under a cloth I had described, was the box in question. In it were her mother's letters, poetry, lyrics, and notes. All the messages she wanted to convey to her daughter at that time of her impending wedding. Some of her poetry was read at the ceremony.
You see, calling it a
reading isn't a term that really explains the process or how it works. It's just what it has been called by others before me and so it's what we call it.
Psychic, channel, medium, clairvoyant, ..blah blah blah...it all sounds so ...well you know. I wish someone would come up with a new term for what I do. It turns people off. I was at a party yesterday and someone asked me what I do. So I said, "I'm a psychic, clairvoyant." And she was so excited and wanted to learn more but the woman next to her rolled her eyes and almost shuddered her disapproval or disbelief. I don't care much anymore, what people think about what I do. I'm over it. I've come out of the closet and frankly who really cares? The unfortunate part of it all, as I see it, is there are many frauds, fakes and con artists out there, claiming they can see or know things. I've heard of some who say they can make a certain thing happen for the right price.... yeah right. I think Sylvia Brown is a phony and Lisa Williams is the real deal. I think John Edwards is connected and so are many others. Most specialize in certain aspects of this work. Some are 60% accurate and some are 90%. I've begun calling myself an Intuitive Healer. That sounds less woo-woo than some of the other labels don't you think?
I hope I answered your question....Chica.