Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Update on Sister Vicky...

Vicky was in the hospital this weekend for the last leg of her radiation treatment. For the past month she's been going into the hospital every morning for fifteen minutes of radiation therapy. It has drained her energy and caused lots of digestive and bladder issues. But, this last leg of the the process was intense. The doctor inserted two radiation tubes inside of her and she had to lay still for two days. We could only be in the room for a half an hour a day but she had those things inside of her. I hated it. But, she's amazing. Sharon brought her home tonight and Linda is staying with her until the morning. I'll go there tomorrow and Mom with spend tomorrow evening with her. She'll have constant help while she recovers from this phase. She only gets a few weeks for recovery when the chemo will start again. I think her last chemo treatment will be in July. Her numbers are down to 11. We hope that by Saturday she'll be able to resume Deep Meditation Massage with me. We'll see her through this. Thanks for your prayers.

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