Friday, May 19, 2006

The Point of Power is in the Present Moment

Right here and right now in our own minds. It does not matter how long we have had negative patterns, or an illness, or a rotten relationship, or lack of finances, or self-hatred, we can begin to make a change today. The thoughts we have held and the words we have repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. Yet, that is past thinking, we have already done that. What we are choosing to think and say, today, this moment, will create tomorrow and the next day, and the next week and the next month and the next year, etc. The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where we begin to make changes. What a liberating idea. We can begin to let the old nonsense go. Right now. The smallest beginning will make a difference. Louise Hay

Take a moment, take this moment to breathe deeply, to relax your grip on what you believe to be true, the inner chatter that runs your reality. Put your attention on this moment, this breath, this present peace. Create it here in the present with clear intention and you will create a change in your life, in your health, in your relationships and in your finances. You create the change in the present moment and that change will echo back to you. It is law It is the natural law of the Universe.

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