Laughter is the best medicine. That's not news. But how long has it been since you had a good long belly laugh? It's good for your spirit, your body, your mind and all around good for everyone. There's even a practice called laughter yoga. It's a wonderful practice. If you can't find something to make you laugh, if you can't remember something from your past that triggers a good giggle then go out and rent some funny DVDs or recordings. I love watching the old George Burns and Gracie Allen Shows. I also crack up watching Jack Benny, Bill Cosby, George Carlin and "I Love Lucy". Get yourself a good giggle this week and give thanks for the ability to laugh. Babies laugh before they can talk. It's natural, it's normal, it's good for you. I remember sitting in church with my sisters and getting the giggles and not being able to stop. I remember sitting with my friend Karen and laughing until tears came to my eyes because I dropped a tomato out of my taco. Silliness is good for you. It's a good time to lighten up! Go to www.youtube.com and do a search for babies laughing and that should get you started.