In each and every moment there is an abundance of possibilities for each of us to experience. We are only limited by our imagination.
Each of us has an innate power that we have yet to discover in ourselves. Some of us see glimpses of it from time to time but have not learned to manage it in our everyday lives. We allow our emotions to run the show instead of our higher mind's intention.
I remember when I was 8 years old and I had decided I wanted to stay home from school. I didn't like school much. I didn't fit in very well and it was hard to make friends. Psychic children often have this problem. I didn't understand it at the time and thought there was something wrong with me that kids didn't want to play with me. I struggled a great deal in those early elementary school years.
On this particular day I told my mother I wasn't feeling well. I told her that I was very sick and needed to stay home. It was a lie, of course, but I had to convince her because she wasn't likely to let me stay home for no good reason. So, I laid in bed and complained of a stomach ache and a fever. I should have received an award I was so convincing. I worked it like a professional thespian getting so completely into the 'sick' character that within an hour I was actually sick. I remember being astonished at the first sign of real illness. It was an exciting moment. It was a powerful moment. I had intentionally created an illness and I knew I had done it. Why I didn't think to use that power at school to create friendships I don't know. That was the day that I knew how powerful humans are. We can make ourselves sick and we do. We can make ourselves weak, we can make ourselves anything we want and therefore we can make ourselves well. It's all a matter of focused attention and the creative use of emotional vibrations.
What we can do on the micro level, in our bodies and in our personal lives, we can do on the macro level as well. The great teacher, Jesus, said that the miracles he performed were the very things we could do and that we could do even more.
How to perform a miracle? Believe it. Know it. Feel it. Breathe it. Surrender doubt and fear and feel as if your truth is already created. It isn't helpful to ask for change because that puts you in the position of needing change therefore you will continue to need change.
If you are reading the papers, watching the news or listening to others talk about this economic downturn and the negative prospects of your investments or savings then you are likely to be experiencing fear and possibly anger. Those emotional vibrations create a toxic bio-chemical environment in your body that creates disease. It is the birthing soup of cancers, neurological disorders, heart disease and psychosis. Are you sure that's the path you want to take yourself and your family?
It's true that emotions are contagious. It is true that what one person feels vibrates outside of their body to contaminate a good 10 feet or more of space around them. Like a virus, you could be susceptible to those energies. More and more of what we feel may not be so much of our own stuff but stuff we pick up on our daily travels.
Learning to manage energetic vibrations is more important now than ever. We have entered a time of a great shift. We have access to more cosmic energy than we are used to due to a transition in global positioning. The veil that is thinning allows us to access these energies to amplify our feelings and intentions.
What is it you want to feel? Who are you becoming? What experiences do you want to create for yourself and the world?
Five minutes a day is all we ask. Take five minutes everyday to breathe deeply, relax and see and feel what life feels like as you the person you have already become. Does this person feel radiantly healthy, strong and fit? Does this person feel happy and peaceful? Does this person feel grace and love? Does the world feel safe and restored to balance and harmony?
There is a movie, "The Neverending Story" that tells a story of the 'great nothing' that comes to devour all that is. It's a story of a spiritual warrior who goes out to confront the 'great nothing'. He has many challenges on his quest but he continues. He has to face his darkside in the mirror. He has to know himself. He has to overcome sorrow. In the end he believes he has failed as the great nothing has destroyed all that he knows. But there is one grain of light remaining and from that one grain of light all can be restored. It is the grain of self acceptance and self empowerment. It is the grain of enlightenment.
If you can access a grain of light within you, you can create a world of peace around you.