Monday, April 02, 2007

What was your decision?

She had developed an allergy to cats and wanted it to go away. I said, "Close your eyes and take a deep breath and relax. I want you to just trust the first thing you see when I ask you the next question."

She let out a long slow breath.

"Now, asking your higher self to show you the truth about your allergy, what is the first thing you see?"

She said, "This doesn't work! All I see is a pizza."

I asked, "Where is the pizza?"

"It's on a table."

I asked, "What does the table look like?"

"It's a round table." she said.

"Where is the table?" I asked.

"It's in a's in my old kitchen. It's in the kitchen we lived in when I was a little girl. There's the wallpaper and the funny light fixture and the water cooler!" The smile on her face widened. "And there are my two kitties, Sugar and Spice! Aw, I loved my kitties."

I let her stay in that memory for a moment and then I asked her this. "What happened?"

Her eyes flew open and she angrily said, "And then I was forced to give them away because we had to move to a place that wouldn't let me keep them."

"And what did you decide?"

Here it is....the reason her body developed an allergy to cats....wait's it is...

"That it's better not to get close to them in the first place than to have your heart broken!"

Ta da!

That one decision, from the point of an emotionally broken heart, was fed into her main frame computer. Her body responded with a protection mechanism, the allergy. Every time she gets close to a kitty her eyes begin to water, she begins to sneeze and cough. Her decision has protected her from having her heart broken again. It's saying, "Stay away from kitties, they'll break your heart!"

To change the decision is a matter of realizing it's origination point is YOU! As my old teacher Royce used to say, and probably still does, "There are no victims!"

If you created it can dis-create it.

Once she realized that her body had developed the allergy according to her own command, she was able to re-program it with, "Kitties and cats are safe to love and hold. I'm always healthy and happy with kitties and cats in my arms." I use Psych-K for this part.

She named her next kitty, Bob because she said he looked just like a bobcat. He slept with her and loved her and she loved him back, without the sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes.

It's that simple. A healing took place in just a few minutes.

So, the next question is this. What is your pain telling you? What is your dis-ease reacting from? What decision did you make to create your reality as it is?

A woman came in with a sad story. She met the man of her dreams. She said, "He was too good to be true. I knew I didn't deserve such an amazing guy but he was so handsome and sexy and he really came after me so I went for it."

Oooops! If you are thinking.."This is too good to be true and I don't deserve this...then guess what?"

Yep, he stopped calling.

So be very careful about your thoughts, beliefs and decisions. When something happens that displeases you then be honest about it and ask yourself why you created it. Even if it's something you think someone else did to you....why did you create it?

It may be that the outcome is the reason. In a previous post I described a traumatic incident I had as a small child. From the traumas, I emerged a healer. I had to learn how to heal myself first. My traumas led me to the college classes and courses that led me to PLA Classes, to Avatar classes to Psych-K, to Reiki, to all of the trainings and experiences that made me able to assist thousands of people. That's what I had asked for when I was very young. "I want to help people." That was my decision.

Okay, hold on. It's going to be a bumpy ride! LOL

There's hardly a situation a client can describe that I haven't experienced and lived through. Divorce, poverty, physical abuse, incest, rape, abduction, occult attacks, paralysis, death of a sibling and parent, relationships with alcoholics, surgeries, depression, disease, trials, loss of a loved one to prison, car 'accidents', compulsive and obsessive disorders, isolation from friends and family, kidnapping, the murder of a dear friend, being left at the alter, visits from 'demons', sexual dysfunction, relationships with sex addicts, a witness to animal abuse, witness to spousal abuse....and the list goes on and on. I once shared my life stories with a psychiatrist and he said he was amazed that I was a relatively normal, functioning adult and not in a padded room somewhere. LOL.

I chose each and every one of those experiences. I created them. I called them to me in order to be the healer I've become. I survived the falls, and the triumphs and in so doing, I've learned to heal, to have compassion, to teach faith, to help those who have fallen into the pit and are unable to see the way out. I can do that because I've also experienced profound love, compassion, spiritual ecstacy, unconditional support, awesome beauty, adventure, astounding art, music, miraculous healings, prosperity and abundance, expanded consciousness, travel, new life, new beginnings and opportunities with endless possibilities. From paralysis to walking, from disease to radiant health, from heart break to freedom.

Here's a story I received in an email. I shared it with my cousin recently.

A man is walking down the street minding his own business, when he suddenly falls through a man hole and finds himself in the bottom of a dark pit. There seems to be no way out. He tries to climb but it's too slippery and steep. He begins to call out for help. A priest walks by and the man yells, "Father, can you help me? I've fallen down into this dark pit and I can't get out."
The priest says a prayer for him and goes on walking.
A doctor comes by and the man calls out, "Doctor, can you help me? I've fallen down into this dark pit and I can't get out." The doctor writes him a prescription and tosses it down to him and continues on his way."
Then another person walks by and the man, again yells, "Please help me. I've fallen down into this dark and slippery hole and I can't get out."
The next thing he knows the person has jumped down into the pit with him. The man says, "What have you done? Now we're both down here! But the person says to him...

"Yes, but I've been down here before and I know how to get out!"

You are never alone. You are never a victim. The answers you are looking for are inside of you. A healing begins with a decision. The decision begins with a willingness to heal.