Sunday, April 22, 2007

And more will be revealed.

Baby Marlie is back in Phoenix with her brother and mother. Her father has just interviewed for a new job at the Country Club near their home. He is a chef and a food service manager with an education in hospitality management.....hotel and restaurant administration is his thing. This new job will cut his 10 hours of driving time a week, to only one. Since Marlie will have many appointments with therapists and doctors it would be wonderful for him and his family to make this change.

I've recovered from their two week visit, for the most part. The laundry is caught up, and the guest room back in order. My back is now feeling better, after a day in bed. I broke my back twenty years ago from a fall off of a balcony. I crushed a vertebrae into my spinal cord. I have steel rods and wires and a bone transplant holding it all together but there are things that I just can't do without painful consequences. Holding a fifteen pound baby and walking the floor for hours is one of them. Lifting a forty pound, almost four year old is another, yet I do it. I suffer for a few days afterwards. I probably need to work out more ....that is....I need to start working out again. I stopped going to Curves some time ago and have put on many pounds, the removal of which would cut down on the recovery time with grand kids.

Marlie is four months old now. She has some issues. She has trouble lifting her head. Her muscles are resistant to stretching and moving. My sister Vicky has her Masters in early childhood development and has expressed her deep concern for Marlie's condition. Her pediatrician has made referrals for doctors to check her vision, hearing and neurological functioning. Shanon has requested all of the records from the hospital where Marlie had her surgery. It appears that something went wrong but we don't know what yet. This situation has consumed my attention for the past few months. All other important matters have been put on the back burners, including the book, the website, my work.

I have seen Marlie's future and she looks healthy, happy and beautiful. I feel certain that her current condition will be resolved, however, as with all of life's challenges, there's an amount of 'doing' that gets it done. It's not magic. We don't get to say an affirmation and visualize a positive outcome and expect it to magically resolve. We are expected to do the work. We are expected to "chop the wood and carry the water". Working with experts, physical therapists, occupational therapists, doctors and learning the exercises, doing the Avatar work, dis-creating the beliefs, using Psych-K, Reiki, and whatever else is called for, is 'doing the doing' of healing. Holistic healing is about approaching all aspects of the experience in mind, body and spirit.

I'm feeling a strong need to move to Phoenix to help my daughter and son-in-law move through this maze of appointments and protocols. Do I sell my house and move? Do I rent it out and if so, where do I put all my furniture and things? Where does my mother go? She is 87. She would have to move in with another sister for me to go and is that what is in her best interest to do so?
I have much to consider.

I ask my guides, teachers and angels to reveal my next move. I am open and ready to take right action. I know I am divinely guided. More will be revealed.