Thursday, April 26, 2007

He walked into my office and said,

"The Secret has changed my life!"

That's quite the understatement when you hear what has happened to him since he began starting his day, everyday, with an attitude of gratitude. His depression has lifted, his relationships are more enjoyable, his business is suddenly booming with new opportunities, and fresh new ideas for his work are popping up in his mind everyday. He was so excited telling me how wonderful it all is, that I almost forgot that he was the same man I met ten years ago who was so depressed and miserable I thought he might have needed help from the pharmaceutical industry. He's lost weight, his eyes sparkle with laughter and, frankly, he's looking kinda sexy holding this new energy. He has been rejuvenated! If I was a few years younger I'd have to seriously check him out because he has some serious verve and appeal. I like that in a man. You may be seeing him on television next year with his own show and I don't know anybody who deserves it more than he. Go Rocky Go!