Sunday, June 21, 2009

I found this on Jennifer Hillmans Facebook page...

June 17, 2009 from Generessa Rose
LIVE H2O Global Event June 20-21, 2009

Dear Friends,

My plate as been full with many projects so you have not heard from me
for awhile. Yesterday I learned about something that I want to pass
on to you . . . something for the whole planet to join and celebrate!

Water sustains life all around this beautiful planet. Thanks to Dr.
Emoto, you know how our consciousness, our heart and mind impact the
quality of water. We have a tremendous opportunity coming up this
weekend to raise the frequency, the purity, the life force of all the
WATER of this planet. And because our body is about 80% water, we
have an opportunity to raise our own frequency and life force as well!

In addition, because we are joined together as a UNIFIED, HARMONIOUS
WHOLE, we are infusing the energies of harmony, peace, and unity into
the worldwide Matrix . . . which could certainly use it!

The LIVE H2O EXPERIMENT will gather millions of people on Summer
Solstice weekend, June 20-21. Participants at nearly 40 venues
worldwide adjacent to important bodies of water are poised to make
this first LIVE H2O internet broadcast a historic success.

People everywhere will unite MUSICALLY to celebrate the healing
harmony in water and LOVE. This unprecedented interactive internet
broadcast over will engage an estimated 10 million or more
viewers in this first ever experiment in awareness and understanding.
Music played at 528 Hz, with heart-felt loving intention for peace,
health, and more will resonate the oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams,
including your blood stream, for the LOVE of it!

There are three ways for you to participate:
1) Go to the nearest venue; 2) Create your own gathering with friends
using and the free pass to the Control Room that
links you to streaming video broadcasts from around the world; 3)
Produce your own experience by surfing the streaming video, singing,
praying, and chanting with multitudes of warm hearts connected online.

Every is invited to celebrate, especially during the global prayers on
Sunday, June 21st at 10:00AM and 6:00PM PST / USA. Mark your calendar
now and tell everyone you know to do the same.

Go to to sign up for the weekend streaming video.

The effect of this GLOBAL focus on uplifting and celebrating all water
with our love is transformative, and it radiates that energy of love
throughout all lifeforms. Just imagine what will happen as the
frequency of LOVE spreads as it is infused into the global water.

Sing, chant, dance, drum, and pray with the world! Extend love and
give thanks for all the blessings water brings to this planet and to
our body.

With love and gratitude for you all,

Generessa Rose
. . . Be the love you are!