My apologies for the extended absence. I've been working on a few projects. If you've been reading this blog for long, you know that I'm a high energy person. I always have projects going. This month I supervised the construction of a pedestrian bridge on our property. Now I'm taking on remodeling a bathroom. I will be using my brand new, still in the box, sewing machine to make curtains for my bedroom. I'm simultaneously managing the exterior painting project which I've been dragging my heels on. Last Sunday my sisters and I gave my niece a baby shower and I spent the Fourth of July in Phoenix with my daughter and grandkids. Which brings me to this post. Oh yeah, and this coming weekend is the executive leadership retreat. I'll be presenting four hours of work on Saturday. I guess I'd better prepare for that....
But, I have something else on my mind. I have Marlie Elizabeth on my mind.
She is now two and a half years old. She recovered physically from her heart surgery, when she was born, but the trauma of that and the subsequent pain from an infection caused her to disassociate from her body, as you can see from the photo above. The globe of light above her her head is actually her spirit. One night we got a call from her grandparents who live down the street. Veronica was a bit frantic because Carlos had seen a spirit in their home during dinner and it was so intense he actually got up from the table to go search the house for it. Knowing what I do for a living they called me to see if I could find out who was there. I grabbed my bag of tools and walked on over. It was Marlie. In the early days she often left her body to go traveling. I told her to get herself home right then and get back into her body and stay there, which is pretty much what she does now.
She is now grounded in her body but the doctors suspect she has Sotos Syndrome. This is what the internet says about Sotos Syndrome:
What is Sotos Syndrome?
Sotos syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by excessive physical growth during the first few years of life. Children with Sotos syndrome tend to be large at birth and are often taller, heavier, and have larger heads (macrocrania) than is normal for their age. Symptoms of the disorder, which vary among individuals, include a disproportionately large and long head with a slightly protrusive forehead, large hands and feet, hypertelorism (an abnormally increased distance between the eyes), and down-slanting eyes. The disorder is often accompanied by mild mental retardation; delayed motor, cognitive, and social development; hypotonia (low muscle tone), and speech impairments. Clumsiness, an awkward gait, and unusual aggressiveness or irritability may also occur. Although most cases of Sotos syndrome occur sporadically (meaning they are not inherited), familial cases have also been reported.
What is the prognosis?
Sotos syndrome is not a life-threatening disorder and patients may have a normal life expectancy. The initial abnormalities of Sotos syndrome usually resolve as the growth rate becomes normal after the first few years of life. Developmental delays may improve in the school-age years, and adults with Sotos syndrome are likely to be within the normal range for intellect and height. However, coordination problems may persist into adulthood.
Marlie doesn't talk yet. She can say "Hi" and something that resembles "yes" but that's about it. She uses some sign language to get her needs met. She has a physical therapist, a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, and me. She is outgrowning her size 4T summer clothes already.
I am asking all of my students reading this to assist me in an experiment in healing. The positive effects of our energetically aligned group can only do wonderful things. Please ask her to join you in your sacred temple meditations. See her well, happy, dancing, singing, in perfect balance with all that is. The universe feels your love and responds. Marlie will feel it and the energy will effect the protien in her body. Our genes respond to the energy and movement of protein and proteins respond to vibrations of energy. Hold a space for Marlie that is full of Light and Love. Know she is already in perfect vibration. See her already healed and restored to perfect harmony and balance in her body, mind, heart and soul.
Children know this languange of vibrations, adults have forgotten. Babies are born knowing this language of heart based vibration. They have not made decisions or judgements, they have no labels or names to create doubt or fear. Marlie is like a sponge. She will receive your love without question or doubt. Doubt is all that separates the child's mind from the adult mind. Trust that as you experience the vibration of love in your heart, you can send it anywhere you put your attention. Your heartbased vibration affects the electromagnetic field of the earth. Satellites,200 miles above the earth can measure the power of our heartbased group conscious attention.
Nature's Mind, or the Holographic Field, Quantum Hologram, the Divine Matrix....a rose by any other name.....