Monday, June 15, 2009

Virtues and Values

If you were going to pack your bags for a trip to another world, what are the values and virtues you would like to bring with you? Is it honesty? Harmony? Compassion? Acceptance? Would you pack courage and integrity? How about love?

We are at a remarkable time in our evolution and we have a chance to plant the seeds of our intentions for the harvest that is coming. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Since the 60s when we sang, "All the world needs now is love, sweet love." and "Love is all there is." we have kept that message in our hearts. We marched for equality, freedom and peace. The Summer of Love was more than just sex drugs and rock 'n roll. We planted the seeds for the new age. We grew up, we grew older, and we grew wiser. Now it is time to reap what we sowed all those years ago.

What do you value? Family? Relationships? Community? Spirituality? I encourage all of my students to write me a letter from the perspective of their future self. I ask them to tell me how the are feeling in their new life and the letters I get back are all about joy, health, abundance, acceptance, love.

What would you pack in your bags for the future world?