Friday, January 30, 2009

Positive Evidence

The Winter 2009 Intuitive Coaching Class started Wednesday, right on time. Everyone is excited to get started on the work we began. I've also started a 6 week mentoring course and that has been a huge success. It seems, as I've noticed and reported before, that the veil is thinning between the lower levels of consciousness and the higher ones. The people who have signed up for these classes are exceptional! I've been so impressed with this group that I may just zoom ahead with the more advanced materials.

You know, all we see on the news, in the papers and on the radio, is how bad things are. Car chases, wild fires, earthquakes, robberies, economies collapsing but have you heard that the green industries are booming? Did you hear that the phycic healers and teachers are doing great? How about the great news about the stem cell discovery that will make heart disease a thing of the past? Brilliant things are happening all around us. It's up to us to look for the positive evidence that this is indeed the birth of the New Age.