Thursday, January 15, 2009

Feng Shui for 2009

The year of the Earth Ox is upon us in a few weeks symbolizing a year of work ahead. "No work, no pay". The Ox energy is strong and deliberate, unswervingly patient, tireless, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint. The Ox works hard, patiently, and methodically and it is good year for using this tireless energy to enjoy helping others. Tenacious, laboring, and self-sacrificing for the benefit of all is the energy of Ox. Ox energy is not extravagant and not at all concerned with material gain. Simple pleasures, quiet mind, and a warm, comfortable, stable and secure home is the pleasure for Ox energy.

It is a year for taking action to accomplish the goals set and for which we have been preparing, in 2008, by the industrious rat and it's symbolic 'new beginnings."

What was begun as a planted, divine seed in 2008 must now be seen through to it's completed evolution in 2009. Watering, weeding, fertilizing, trimming and protecting your fertile field, for the reaping, is the work that is expected.

It is a great time to open up your personal space for the energy of the new year to move into your life. The energy you will use to work for your intentions will come to you more easily when you follow the simple practice of Feng Shui.

What I know about Feng Shui can fit in a thimble but I do know a great deal about how energy flows and the importance of how it moves in our homes and businesses.

Even if you don't move your furniture around, now is the time to clean out closets, cupboards, drawers, and garages. Dust under beds and around windows and doors. Open windows (if it isn't too cold) burn off negative energy by lighting candles and/or incense. Move your furniture around and get the energy moving. If you haven't worn it, eaten it, used it, looked at it in the past 12 months, let it go. Look at each item you have in your space and ask yourself, "How does this make me feel?" If you don't feel good about it, let it go. Simplify and de-clutter your space. Bring in items that bring you joy. Think of the five elements, fire, water, wood, earth, metal and put them where you are intuitively guided. Use color wisely as the vibration of color effects us psychologically and energetically. Organize your garage and call Goodwill or The Salvation Army to pick up the items you are ready to surrender.

Allowing Earth Ox into your home will bring you the tireless energy to work for a better environment for us all.