It all started back when people thought they could buy a house real cheap, put in a new carpet, throw some paint on it and then double the price the next month. Greed.
"Flip that house" became a mantra! Greed.
Then the appraisers got in on the act. For a few extra dollars they would price a property up ten, twenty or a hundred grand so they could get that equity line of credit to pay off that credit card debt and put a down payment on a new car they couldn't afford....greed. Or they took money out of the equity a few months after they bought it so they could show a significant balance in their savings account to qualify for another loan they couldn't really afford to pay back, gambling on the market bubble to continue to expand. Greed.
I knew a realtor who forged W2 docs to get her clients to qualify for loans she knew they couldn't afford because she wanted to sell the house.....greed.
Of course the mortgage companies and banks played their part but don't think for one minute it is all Wall Street and our inept and corrupt government. This is a condition brought on by the idea of greed. The consciousness of greed can be as simple as not sharing our food with a hungry friend, not offering to buy a flower for the lonely old lady across the street, or not going to that fund raiser for back packs for school kids.
Are you ever selfish? Do you ever withold compliments and appreciation? Did you say no to the $10 donation asked of you for the "Stand Up For Cancer" campaign? How many times have you splurged on yourself, your kids, your house, your car wash, and walked right by a homeless woman sitting on the ground in front of the 7-11? A million homeless in America. Hundreds of thousands hungry, in America. Have you ever taken a tax deduction that was "slightly" inflated in hopes you wouldn't be audited?
Have you ever taken more than you have given in your business practice? Over charging clients, or standing silently by while your boss does or your company does? Have you ever taken sick days for a vacation or vacationed on the company bill because you could get away with it? Ever take home supplies from the office for your kids school project? I know these seems like incidental violations but the energy of these actions are not confined to your space.
You only have to turn on reality television to see the greed and cheating and angry judgements of the average citizen. So, even if you are not guilty of ever cheating, lying, or taking more than you give, there a thousand others out there who are and it is up to each of us to be the vibration of the change that needs to start the shift for honesty.
This current economic condition is a reflection of a universal mindset. We are all responsible for it. It is the consciousness of greed and we are all part of the problem when we hold the energy of desire for things above the desire for Peace.
The world is a reflection of you. The way out is to look at the buttons that are being pushed while watching the news and reading the papers. What are the words you've been using this week? How are you judging the leaders, the CEO's the administration? Are you blaming the homeowners or the banks? Are you calling them idiots and greedy bastards? I've heard and read a great deal of outrage and I understand it and I believe it is justified, but I also believe that nothing happens on the big stage that doesn't start in the mass consciousness.
Identify your buttons, and go inside and look to see if the shoe fits your foot. When have you been dishonest? When have you given less than you received? Where do you hold the energy of guilt, greed or resentment? Have to spent more on your home, your plastic doodads from WalMart, your car washes and wardrobe than you can afford? How far into debt have you gone? How much more do you spend a month than you bring in? How much have you helped charitable organizations or local schools? I have more friends than I can count who are in debt to credit card companies and banks for over and above the amount the earn every year. This is why it pushes their buttons that CEO's and Corporations have been so irresponsible and greedy because inside, they know, that they too have been fiscally irresponsible and greedy, wanting more back than they put in.
We are being called to heal our collective guilt and greedy consciousness. We are being called by Spirit to simplify our lives and correct our vision and our point of attraction. How many plastic doodads do you need from WalMart anyway? How many shoes can a person wear? How big and new does your car have to be? How many cars do you have to have? How much do you think you have to spend on fancier wheels, make-up, bigger homes and clothes?
The average American has a 0 balance in their savings account. This isn't new. This has been the truth for several decades. It's not because of recent economic downfall. Money comes in and we go shopping. It's the American way. A few days after 9/11 President George W. Bush got on the television and told us not to change out lifestyle....go shopping. We don't even have to leave our homes to do it. We can sit in front of the television or computer and spend thousands without even getting dressed. We are an addicted society. It's time for some cold turkey, tough love.
I think this will be our greatest hour when we look in the mirror and decide to stop the insane borrowing and spending that has gotten us into this situation. We are not victims of a market gone mad. We are the puppets that buy the advertizing message that more stuff will make us happy, pretty, loveable, desireable, get us more friends, sex, power, and make us feel better about ourselves. We are ALL the problem and.....the good news is....we are all the solution.
If we change the energy of our emotions and thoughts and actions, we can shift the global experience. Garner the collective anger and use it to take action on a personal level as well as in your community.
1. Forgive yourself for any overt action you have taken in your past that was not aligned with honesty and love. (See Climb For Atonement)
2. Make a budget to pay off your debt before you buy one more toy, dish, blanket or chair, and stick to it.
3. Plan a holiday around your community food bank list. When buying a toy for the Toy Drive, choose one that doesn't encourage war and violence (guns and video games), petty consumption (Barbie and Monster Trucks) or can't be recylced.
4. Rule of Five. Go out and take five actions of anonymous giving.