Saturday, July 19, 2008

Training For Psychic Children

The television show about psychic children is so disturbing to me I refuse to watch it. Three episodes was enough for me to see that the psychic medium host is ill- informed, poorly trained. I know that producers have to dramatize the experience to get viewers hooked in on the spooky scenes. They even called in "Demonologists" to assist with clearing out negative energy in a home. OH PULEEZE! I wanted to yell at the screen.

Training children and adolescents how to manage their energy and how to turn on and off their psychic and intuitive communication abilities isn't rocket science and doesn't require nighttime raids on haunted houses. Empowering them and supporting them and training them is fun, friendly and easy on the emotional drama.

I spoke with a colleague in North Carolina who has created a summer camp for psychic kids. We both agreed that the show is missing the mark by a longshot.

Please, please, please don't judge psychic healers and teachers based on that show. We are not all created or trained equally.