Saturday, January 19, 2008

The World is a Reflection of You

When you recognize that you are the source of your beliefs, experiences, emotions, reactions, conditions and attitudes, you regain your sense of empowerment. The "I" that you are, begins to surface in your awareness.

Delete the previously created ideas or beliefs of 'self' and the previously created beliefs about disease and disharmony, delete the energy that continually creates an impression of the past, delete all impressions and experiences of being a victim and you recover your Source Purpose. From this new perspective you can create a new reality.

Imagine that you can make a statement, "I am happy to be me." or "I am joyful", and you are able to instantly create that reality. The only thing between your intentional belief and your experience are previously created beliefs, ideas, impressions or created identities.

For example:

Intented experience: "I am happy to be me."
Previous belief: "If I had more money I'd be happy." or "If I was skinny I'd be happy." or "Happy people aren't cool."

Those previous beliefs re-assert themselves when you make a positive statement contrary to their energy.

When you eliminate the old, previously created beliefs, you instantly feel and experience your intended experience. You are happy to be you!

All beliefs are created by you. Whether you bought them from mommy or daddy or teachers or doctors or any other identity, you bought them and created them in anyway you did, and you programmed your inner consciousness with those beliefs. Once a belief is created it must be experienced in order to delete it.

You have the power to create beliefs or eliminate and delete them. You are the Source of your experience.

Here's the trick. When I was amped up and cleaning out my linen closets, I was resisting feeling and experiencing fear. I responded to a previously created belief with fear. The belief was re-asserted when I made a statement of intention for the new year. I had a doubt spring up about my career path. I had a previously created belief about my ability and purpose in the area of my career. When I sat down on New Year's Eve to begin to create my new intentions, that previously created belief was re-asserted. I responded to that old belief with fear and away I went. Instead of experiencing the fear without responding to it, I resisted it. Instead of feeling it and deleting it and deleting the previously held belief, I resisted. As soon as you try to resist what you are experiencing you shift from creator to creation. I became the fear.

My next response or reaction was to avoid the feeling with busy work. I could have used any number of distractions, (anything excessive or compulsive or obsessive) ie. over eating, random sex, excessive gambling, drugs, alcohol, sleep, television, reading, cleaning(my personal favorite), over-exercise, jumping into someone else's business, etc. Any adrenaline activating behavior such as, criminal activities, excessive shopping, or dangerous sports would work. All of those behaviors take you out of your feelings.

How simple is it to choose not to respond to a belief with an emotion but instead own it, feel it, and choose to delete it.

To manifest your intentions you must be able to feel them. You must be able to delete conflicting ideas and beliefs. There are numerous technologies from numerous sources to teach you how to do this work. There are hypnosis scripts, visualization exercises, Avatar procedures, meditation processes, all kinds of ways to do this work. Find a teacher, mentor, coach or Avatar Master to lead you to your Source Awareness.

Imagine what it would be like to state your intention, feel it, activate it, experience it, expand it, amplify it, and create it as your reality.

Go look in the mirror. Look into your eyes and say, "I love you." Say it until you feel it. Give yourself permission to remember who you are. Be willing to explore your conscious universe. All of your beliefs about being a woman or a man or a mother or a father or any other reality, are in the hard drive of your own mind. They are running in the background of your consciousness and are creating your perception of reality. Those beliefs are the filters through which you view your life.

Do you have a belief that "life is hard"? Do you hold a vibration "relationships suck." "People are mean" "Governments are suppressive" "Rules are meant to be broken." "Money is evil" ????

Would you prefer to hold the beliefs and vibrations and experiences of, "I am wealthy." "I love my life." "I am loving and lovable." "Life is fun." "I'm excited about my future." "I'm always radiantly healthy." "I am intuitive." "I am a healer."
"I am Source."

You get to choose. You are the source of it all.