Why is it that we believe once we have read that book, or reached that age, or taken that course, or healed that old wound, or evolved past that old pattern, or resolved that immature issue that we should evermore be the great, peaceful, all-knowing, all-loving Goddess, all the time? When we were teenagers we thought, "I'm all grown-up now. I know what it's all about." Then we turned 21 and we realized we didn't know shit as teenagers but now that we are 21, well, we have it all figured out. Then we made it to our 30s and we, again, saw clearly that we knew very little about life and our inner workings. We become mothers, care-givers, teachers, professionals and wives. Well then, didn't we know the truth about life? And on and on we went, believing that at some point in this life, we will have it all figured out and we will reach the awareness that we are Source and that nothing will surprise us and we will know, always, what to do, how to feel, and the truth of all that is. Wisdom is what we are seeking. Do we ever get to the stage in life when we are wise 24/7? Do we ever reach the age and stage of the Wise Woman, The Crone The Goddess of Truth and Peace? When do we get to feel glorious everyday? Isn't depression and sadness and confusion for the un-enlightened? Isn't doubt and fear supposed to evaporate as we work towards our inner light?
Some of us feel the need to hide our days of weakness for fear others will judge our growth as false awareness. Once you receive your PhD you should never have to suffer the mental frustrations of the middle mind. Once a healer you should always know how to heal and never get sick. Once an intuitive coach, you should always engage in communication with your Spirital Guides and see your path clearly. Once an
Avatar Master, a Feng Shui Consultant, a Psychic/Medium, a Psychotherapist, a Doctor of What's Happening Now....we're supposed to be the ones with the answers. We're supposed to be the ones who teach and guide others. Right?
WRONG! Even Goddesses get the blues. Be patient and standstill in your sadness or your doubt or your fear. Don't suppress it because it doesn't fit your expectation of what it means to be enlightened. That, in fact, is the opposite of enlightenment. The Master Capenter somestimes mis-measures. The Master Guru sometimes gets into the ego and has to find his way back. Mother Teresa had days of doubt, fear and confusion.
All things, all experiences are temporary. Don't resist your doubt and confusion or your fear and loneliness. Feel it. Whatever you are feeling, in any given moment, is what needs to be experienced. Stand still and experience it. Don't judge it, describe it, think about it, analyse it, or resist it. Simply, sit still with it and feel it. It is a temporary condition. It is part of your process and re-birth. The more you resist being or feeling what it is you are feeling, the longer your labor will be.
The journey is eternal. Each lesson is part of the evolution of your soul. This isn't a race to the finish line or the destination. It is an eternal evolution of experiences.
Here is your Rune: Isa
That Which Impedes
The winter of the spiritual life is upon you. You may find yourself entangled in a situation to whose implications you are, in effect, blind. You may be powerless to do anything except submit, surrender, even sacrifice some long-cherished desire. Be patient, for this is the period of gestation that precedes a rebirth.
Positive accomplishment is unlikely now. There is a freeze on useful activity, all your plans are on hold. You may be experiencing an unaccustomed drain on your energy and wonder why: A chill wind is reaching you over the ice floes of old outmoded habits.
Trying to hold on can result in shallowness of feeling, a sense of being out of touch with life. Seek to discover what it is you are holding onto that keeps this condition in effect, and let go. Shed, release, cleanse away the old. That will bring on the thaw.
Usually Isa requires a sacrifice of the personal, the "I." And yet there is no reason for anxiety. Submit and be still, for what you are experiencing is not necessarily the result of your actions or habits, but of the conditions of the time against which you can do nothing. What has been full must empty; what has increased must decrease. This is the way of Heaven and Earth. To surender is to display courage and wisdom.
At such a time, do not hope to rely on help or friendly support. In your isolation, exercise caution and do not stubbornly persist in attempting to work your will. Remain mindful that the seed of the new is present in the shell of the old, the seed of unrealized potential, the seed of the good. Trust our own process, and watch for signs of spring.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The World is a Reflection of You
When you recognize that you are the source of your beliefs, experiences, emotions, reactions, conditions and attitudes, you regain your sense of empowerment. The "I" that you are, begins to surface in your awareness.
Delete the previously created ideas or beliefs of 'self' and the previously created beliefs about disease and disharmony, delete the energy that continually creates an impression of the past, delete all impressions and experiences of being a victim and you recover your Source Purpose. From this new perspective you can create a new reality.
Imagine that you can make a statement, "I am happy to be me." or "I am joyful", and you are able to instantly create that reality. The only thing between your intentional belief and your experience are previously created beliefs, ideas, impressions or created identities.
For example:
Intented experience: "I am happy to be me."
Previous belief: "If I had more money I'd be happy." or "If I was skinny I'd be happy." or "Happy people aren't cool."
Those previous beliefs re-assert themselves when you make a positive statement contrary to their energy.
When you eliminate the old, previously created beliefs, you instantly feel and experience your intended experience. You are happy to be you!
All beliefs are created by you. Whether you bought them from mommy or daddy or teachers or doctors or any other identity, you bought them and created them in anyway you did, and you programmed your inner consciousness with those beliefs. Once a belief is created it must be experienced in order to delete it.
You have the power to create beliefs or eliminate and delete them. You are the Source of your experience.
Here's the trick. When I was amped up and cleaning out my linen closets, I was resisting feeling and experiencing fear. I responded to a previously created belief with fear. The belief was re-asserted when I made a statement of intention for the new year. I had a doubt spring up about my career path. I had a previously created belief about my ability and purpose in the area of my career. When I sat down on New Year's Eve to begin to create my new intentions, that previously created belief was re-asserted. I responded to that old belief with fear and away I went. Instead of experiencing the fear without responding to it, I resisted it. Instead of feeling it and deleting it and deleting the previously held belief, I resisted. As soon as you try to resist what you are experiencing you shift from creator to creation. I became the fear.
My next response or reaction was to avoid the feeling with busy work. I could have used any number of distractions, (anything excessive or compulsive or obsessive) ie. over eating, random sex, excessive gambling, drugs, alcohol, sleep, television, reading, cleaning(my personal favorite), over-exercise, jumping into someone else's business, etc. Any adrenaline activating behavior such as, criminal activities, excessive shopping, or dangerous sports would work. All of those behaviors take you out of your feelings.
How simple is it to choose not to respond to a belief with an emotion but instead own it, feel it, and choose to delete it.
To manifest your intentions you must be able to feel them. You must be able to delete conflicting ideas and beliefs. There are numerous technologies from numerous sources to teach you how to do this work. There are hypnosis scripts, visualization exercises, Avatar procedures, meditation processes, all kinds of ways to do this work. Find a teacher, mentor, coach or Avatar Master to lead you to your Source Awareness.
Imagine what it would be like to state your intention, feel it, activate it, experience it, expand it, amplify it, and create it as your reality.
Go look in the mirror. Look into your eyes and say, "I love you." Say it until you feel it. Give yourself permission to remember who you are. Be willing to explore your conscious universe. All of your beliefs about being a woman or a man or a mother or a father or any other reality, are in the hard drive of your own mind. They are running in the background of your consciousness and are creating your perception of reality. Those beliefs are the filters through which you view your life.
Do you have a belief that "life is hard"? Do you hold a vibration "relationships suck." "People are mean" "Governments are suppressive" "Rules are meant to be broken." "Money is evil" ????
Would you prefer to hold the beliefs and vibrations and experiences of, "I am wealthy." "I love my life." "I am loving and lovable." "Life is fun." "I'm excited about my future." "I'm always radiantly healthy." "I am intuitive." "I am a healer."
"I am Source."
You get to choose. You are the source of it all.
Delete the previously created ideas or beliefs of 'self' and the previously created beliefs about disease and disharmony, delete the energy that continually creates an impression of the past, delete all impressions and experiences of being a victim and you recover your Source Purpose. From this new perspective you can create a new reality.
Imagine that you can make a statement, "I am happy to be me." or "I am joyful", and you are able to instantly create that reality. The only thing between your intentional belief and your experience are previously created beliefs, ideas, impressions or created identities.
For example:
Intented experience: "I am happy to be me."
Previous belief: "If I had more money I'd be happy." or "If I was skinny I'd be happy." or "Happy people aren't cool."
Those previous beliefs re-assert themselves when you make a positive statement contrary to their energy.
When you eliminate the old, previously created beliefs, you instantly feel and experience your intended experience. You are happy to be you!
All beliefs are created by you. Whether you bought them from mommy or daddy or teachers or doctors or any other identity, you bought them and created them in anyway you did, and you programmed your inner consciousness with those beliefs. Once a belief is created it must be experienced in order to delete it.
You have the power to create beliefs or eliminate and delete them. You are the Source of your experience.
Here's the trick. When I was amped up and cleaning out my linen closets, I was resisting feeling and experiencing fear. I responded to a previously created belief with fear. The belief was re-asserted when I made a statement of intention for the new year. I had a doubt spring up about my career path. I had a previously created belief about my ability and purpose in the area of my career. When I sat down on New Year's Eve to begin to create my new intentions, that previously created belief was re-asserted. I responded to that old belief with fear and away I went. Instead of experiencing the fear without responding to it, I resisted it. Instead of feeling it and deleting it and deleting the previously held belief, I resisted. As soon as you try to resist what you are experiencing you shift from creator to creation. I became the fear.
My next response or reaction was to avoid the feeling with busy work. I could have used any number of distractions, (anything excessive or compulsive or obsessive) ie. over eating, random sex, excessive gambling, drugs, alcohol, sleep, television, reading, cleaning(my personal favorite), over-exercise, jumping into someone else's business, etc. Any adrenaline activating behavior such as, criminal activities, excessive shopping, or dangerous sports would work. All of those behaviors take you out of your feelings.
How simple is it to choose not to respond to a belief with an emotion but instead own it, feel it, and choose to delete it.
To manifest your intentions you must be able to feel them. You must be able to delete conflicting ideas and beliefs. There are numerous technologies from numerous sources to teach you how to do this work. There are hypnosis scripts, visualization exercises, Avatar procedures, meditation processes, all kinds of ways to do this work. Find a teacher, mentor, coach or Avatar Master to lead you to your Source Awareness.
Imagine what it would be like to state your intention, feel it, activate it, experience it, expand it, amplify it, and create it as your reality.
Go look in the mirror. Look into your eyes and say, "I love you." Say it until you feel it. Give yourself permission to remember who you are. Be willing to explore your conscious universe. All of your beliefs about being a woman or a man or a mother or a father or any other reality, are in the hard drive of your own mind. They are running in the background of your consciousness and are creating your perception of reality. Those beliefs are the filters through which you view your life.
Do you have a belief that "life is hard"? Do you hold a vibration "relationships suck." "People are mean" "Governments are suppressive" "Rules are meant to be broken." "Money is evil" ????
Would you prefer to hold the beliefs and vibrations and experiences of, "I am wealthy." "I love my life." "I am loving and lovable." "Life is fun." "I'm excited about my future." "I'm always radiantly healthy." "I am intuitive." "I am a healer."
"I am Source."
You get to choose. You are the source of it all.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
From Harry Palmer
"A self is an idea that awareness is availing itself of for the purpose of experiencing certain other ideas. It's the bubble you view other bubbles from."
"You deserve to experience your creation of you in all its wonder."
Aware: Watchful; vigilant; knowing
Will: the power to decide; to direct; to decree
Feel what it feels like to be only...
"You deserve to experience your creation of you in all its wonder."
Aware: Watchful; vigilant; knowing
Will: the power to decide; to direct; to decree
Feel what it feels like to be only...
"Just Stop It!"
Every now and again an old pattern or behavior is triggered by a thought or belief or emotion and I find myself talking shit inside my head. I'll berate myself for something I did or didn't do, or I'll question previous decisions or I'll gnaw on an old issue. I sometimes worry about decisions I have to make or fret over someone else's situation. I'll try to analyse some one's behavior or condemn their stubborn resistance. When this happens, I start cleaning. That's what I do when I get into a snit about something. I'll clean out another closet or organize my ancient sewing box or scrub the concrete patio floor. Not a dust bunny is safe when I'm worried or angry. Not a window sill or baseboard is out of my radar range. I'll mumble and fume over something someone did or said or reconstruct an old memory for further evaluation. Most of the time the thoughts are negative, judgmental, and punctuated with expletives unbecoming a Goddess. I'll call myself names while I use a scrub brush on my window screens. I'll toss around ideas back and forth while my hands are busy polishing all the glass in the house. Everyone knows to clear the decks when the brass polish comes out. "Uh-oh, she's cleaning knobs on the lamps again. Let's get out of here."
It used to be really bad in the 80s. If I was worried or afraid of something I'd be up all night on my hands and knees cleaning the tile grout with a toothbrush. My mind burning up thoughts at 100,000 tpm. (thoughts per minute) When my daughter was a teenager I worried more than usual but my house was spotless. You could literally eat off of my floors. Not so much these days.
One day my daughter said to me, "Mom, what good is it to have a beautiful, clean house if it doesn't feel like a comfortable home?" Damn those kids. When did she get smarter than me?
I was feeling blue a few weeks ago and found myself standing in front of my linen closet pulling everything out and wiping out all the dust from the corners. I created a pile of old worn out massage sheets, dingy towels and more than a few bottles of lotions and potions dating back a few years. As the piles in the hallway grew, the thoughts in my head amplified. Some old habits die hard, as they say. I was nagging at myself for not being decisive about a particular situation. I was feeling guilty and therefore angry. Nag, nag, nag. Blah, blah, blah. The linen closet was completely empty and the hallway was impassable with the piles for Goodwill and the piles for recycling and the giant bag of trash. The whole mess became overwhelming to me so I walked into my office for a break.
There, on the little table between the swivel chairs, along with my crystals and seashells was the rock Carmelita bought for me on her visit here last month. She bought one for herself, as well. You see, I'm not the only one who needs a reminder from time to time.
My table holds several rocks lasered with words of inspiration. Love, Peace, Serenity, Joy, Laugh, Breathe. Carm's rock says, "Just Stop It!" Ha! There it was, staring me in the face. It was the message I most needed to hear at that particular moment. "Just Stop It!" I laughed right out loud!
An unhealthy behavior that could have lasted all day long, lasted only half an hour. I was snapped out of it by a rock. "Just Stop It!" I smiled the rest of the day.
You see, I got lost inside my own head. I tell my clients, "Your mind is not your friend." If a situation is troubling you, or a decision needs to be made, don't ask yourself what you think about it....what do you FEEL about it? My feelings were what I was refusing to acknowledge. I was resisting my feelings. The energy built up and away I went into an old behavior. Blah, blah, blah. Nag, nag, nag. As soon as I sat down to feel what it was I was resisting, the compulsive behavior subsided. I was afraid. I was afraid of making a wrong decision. I was afraid to move forward. I was feeling guilty entertaining an idea that would affect my mother in a way I knew she wouldn't like.
By the way, my hips were bothering me. That is a sure sign of the fear of moving forward. I should have known. But, we sometimes put blinders on when it comes to our own shit.
I felt my fear, I healed my worry, I stopped resisting my guilt and I embraced my new exciting future. Instantly, my hip pain disappeared and my compulsive obsessive behavior ceased. Oh, I managed to finish the linen closet, but I did it without the negative thinking. I did it slowly, with a smile and I danced to music as I finished the job.
It used to be really bad in the 80s. If I was worried or afraid of something I'd be up all night on my hands and knees cleaning the tile grout with a toothbrush. My mind burning up thoughts at 100,000 tpm. (thoughts per minute) When my daughter was a teenager I worried more than usual but my house was spotless. You could literally eat off of my floors. Not so much these days.
One day my daughter said to me, "Mom, what good is it to have a beautiful, clean house if it doesn't feel like a comfortable home?" Damn those kids. When did she get smarter than me?
I was feeling blue a few weeks ago and found myself standing in front of my linen closet pulling everything out and wiping out all the dust from the corners. I created a pile of old worn out massage sheets, dingy towels and more than a few bottles of lotions and potions dating back a few years. As the piles in the hallway grew, the thoughts in my head amplified. Some old habits die hard, as they say. I was nagging at myself for not being decisive about a particular situation. I was feeling guilty and therefore angry. Nag, nag, nag. Blah, blah, blah. The linen closet was completely empty and the hallway was impassable with the piles for Goodwill and the piles for recycling and the giant bag of trash. The whole mess became overwhelming to me so I walked into my office for a break.
There, on the little table between the swivel chairs, along with my crystals and seashells was the rock Carmelita bought for me on her visit here last month. She bought one for herself, as well. You see, I'm not the only one who needs a reminder from time to time.
My table holds several rocks lasered with words of inspiration. Love, Peace, Serenity, Joy, Laugh, Breathe. Carm's rock says, "Just Stop It!" Ha! There it was, staring me in the face. It was the message I most needed to hear at that particular moment. "Just Stop It!" I laughed right out loud!
An unhealthy behavior that could have lasted all day long, lasted only half an hour. I was snapped out of it by a rock. "Just Stop It!" I smiled the rest of the day.
You see, I got lost inside my own head. I tell my clients, "Your mind is not your friend." If a situation is troubling you, or a decision needs to be made, don't ask yourself what you think about it....what do you FEEL about it? My feelings were what I was refusing to acknowledge. I was resisting my feelings. The energy built up and away I went into an old behavior. Blah, blah, blah. Nag, nag, nag. As soon as I sat down to feel what it was I was resisting, the compulsive behavior subsided. I was afraid. I was afraid of making a wrong decision. I was afraid to move forward. I was feeling guilty entertaining an idea that would affect my mother in a way I knew she wouldn't like.
By the way, my hips were bothering me. That is a sure sign of the fear of moving forward. I should have known. But, we sometimes put blinders on when it comes to our own shit.
I felt my fear, I healed my worry, I stopped resisting my guilt and I embraced my new exciting future. Instantly, my hip pain disappeared and my compulsive obsessive behavior ceased. Oh, I managed to finish the linen closet, but I did it without the negative thinking. I did it slowly, with a smile and I danced to music as I finished the job.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
"Orbs, The Veil Is Lifting"
The orb phenomenon has exploded with the new technology of the digital camera. Orbs, of course, have been around for thousands of years and depicted in ancient art, but now, everyone with a cheap digital camera can capture the image of the light orbs that have been with us since the beginning of consciousness.
With this in mind, I have chosen the movie for this month. "Orbs, The Veil Is Lifting"
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Bodywork with Mindwork, with Energywork, with....
A pound or two of deep tissue bodywork, in conjunction with four ounces of Avatar work, with a dash of hypnosis and a sprinkle of Reiki, frosted throughly with manifesting meditation and you've got a session of amazing healing down to the cellular level. I've done some amazing work in my 30 years as a healer but this combo is out of this world. I just don't know what to call it. Gwen used to say coming to me for massage work is getting a twofer. Healer for the mind, healer for the body. But this new combo is just about the most powerful work I've ever done. Now, what do I call it?
Friday, January 04, 2008

It's hard to see the light in the dead of Winter — but hidden within the darkness of this time, new beginnings and new thought forms are stirring up the ether. Those invisible forces have so much to say about what will emerge for us in the coming year. 2008 vibrates to the number 'one'. From a numerological perspective, one is where we start all over again — and the nascent energies that rule January will be amplified by the 'one' vibration that governs the upcoming cycle. What we hold in our hearts and what we are able to envision in spite of the darkness that surrounds us will write the script for the year ahead.
I hope this works.....
Here is a link to an inspirational video. I hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Notice new links
I added a couple of links to wonderful resources for a spiritual feast of entertainment "The Spiritual Cinema Circle", and information, "Science of Peace".
This month I will host a movie and snack evening for anyone interested. I have a new HD flat screen television large enough for everyone to get a great view. I have plenty of seating space and the kitchen will be open for snacks and beverages. You're invited to send me an email and I'll send back to you the date and time and directions.
I don't know about you, but I find it increasingly more difficult to find movies in the theaters that are entertaining and uplifting. I don't enjoy watching movies about adultery, murder, incest, war or frivolous and demeaning violence and high drama. It simply bores me now. I want to put my attention on more positive images. If I want to watch war, terrorism, lies, deceit and negativity I'll turn on Fox News.
Enlighten Up Evenings will now commence! Come join me!
This month I will host a movie and snack evening for anyone interested. I have a new HD flat screen television large enough for everyone to get a great view. I have plenty of seating space and the kitchen will be open for snacks and beverages. You're invited to send me an email and I'll send back to you the date and time and directions.
I don't know about you, but I find it increasingly more difficult to find movies in the theaters that are entertaining and uplifting. I don't enjoy watching movies about adultery, murder, incest, war or frivolous and demeaning violence and high drama. It simply bores me now. I want to put my attention on more positive images. If I want to watch war, terrorism, lies, deceit and negativity I'll turn on Fox News.
Enlighten Up Evenings will now commence! Come join me!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
What In Your Soul Will You Feed?

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"
The wise, old Cherokee simply replied, "THE ONE YOU FEED"
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