My Aunt Jackie passed over this morning, a mere twenty minutes ago. On Thanksgiving Day she was singing songs with her children and grandchildren and she sat at the family table to eat her turkey with all the fixin's. She smiled and radiated love all around that table. She was blind but you'd never have guessed it. Her beautiful blue eyes were clear and intent. It was a wonderful gift to her family to have her present one last time.
I have a photograph of my Aunt Jackie and my mother on the beach,not more than a mile from my home. It was taken in 1940 and they were hot! Bombshells, is what my father called them. Tall, long legged, beauties, they were. The Sisters. Each had a radiant smile, beautiful skin, and those blue eyes. It's no wonder the boys chased after them with coursages and candies.
Gary, Nancy, Peggy and Paul are Jackie's children, my cousins. All of them are intelligent, college educated, successful and the most fun cousins I have. These are the cousins, out of 24 that I always gravitated to during the hundreds of family functions.
We were all together Monday, at Jackie's bedside. All the memories of the holiday gatherings, family reunions, memorial services, weddings and showers, funny stories and family love spread out all over the room. My mother held her sister's hand, I stroked her head, we all said our good-byes, and this morning she took her last breath.
Jackie Walker Watson, a wonderful mother, a delightful aunt and loving baby sister has left this world a better place. What more can anyone ask of woman?