Sunday, December 02, 2007

Channeled Info, Thanks Steven Morrison of Idyllwild Healing Arts

Today I share with you excerpts from a communication by The Brotherhood of Light, a group of non-physical beings who channel their messages through a human being named Edna Frankel. I got this from the July 2006 issue of Sedona: A Journal of Emergence. My intention is to give us a bit of context for why people like us would even be engaging in something like a Spiritual Workout in the first place:

“You are becoming aware of the existence of your greater being, meeting and merging with your own higher self in a fully conscious way, at all levels. You are also finally realizing that you are all connected!...You are all bound within the energetic framework of this planet, which is the electromagnetic house within which your bodies reside. So you are connected not only to one another but to all forms of life, to all energy patterns of life on this planet, including the weather. Have you noticed, dear ones, that the worse your world chaos becomes, the worse the weather patterns get? We use the word “worse” as you would from your human perspective of what you see happening. You see the chaos, the discord, the disharmony as getting worse, as being unmanageable and as a huge, global mess with no solution in sight.

“Ah, but from Spirit’s perspective, what a lovely situation to have! Your lessons are no longer separate, no longer isolated, no longer hidden. Everyone is involved — all peoples, all cultures, all countries. Why? In order to finally transmute these lessons off this planet, they must be played out and resolved in common consensus at the global level. Why do we keep saying that all humans must rise together, as all levels of reality also rise together? Because that is how lessons are transmuted, healed, and released from the global consciousness. Those isolated pockets of lessons must be raised up to the light, or they will remain interlocked in the human weave, keeping it dense, dark, and unable to rise.

“When light is shed in a space, all that was dark becomes revealed. Why do you think the lessons of war on this planet have grown from tribe against tribe to nation against nation to isolated pockets of terrorists? Look at the patterns within the grand design! You’re up to flushing out those pockets, as all societies realize that the need to live in peace and share resources is the only viable path to survival as a human species. Congratulations — you have reached the final crossroads!

“What is that higher light being shed? Spiritual integrity, dear ones, the highest good of all, is becoming your comfort zone of morality rather than the individual good of one without regard for the rest. That way hasn’t worked, has it? Yes, you still have the basic forms in place of judgment, guilt, blame and shame, but you are learning to forgive the past and move forward in the Now...That is your new focus...

“Why do you hear from so many spiritual sources to think globally and act locally? Why are you encouraged to clean up your own backyard and just keep faith for the rest of the world to get better? Why are you told, time and again, that global peace is achieved one heart at a time? Because of the energetic connection between all humans! Because you are all becoming so globally aware, so interconnected by the Internet and the news media, that your backyard is now connected to every other backyard. What happens in Africa or Nepal comes into your television set in North and South America, in Europe, in Asia, in Australia, around the globe and back again...

“...As long as you see yourselves as separate beings from the life forms all around you, that separation causes the haves and the have nots. Once you start to see, think and feel from the higher perspective of “all is One,” then you realize that all you do affects everyone and everything around you. And herein lies your power, dear human. How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as small and separate or as being powerfully connected to all life? Are you at the mercy of your fate or in charge of your destiny? It’s all a matter of perspective ...

“ the Mayans predicted, 2012 was called the end of time. We say that it will be the end of time as you know it, where you carry forward the pain of a lesson from the past in order to learn it and heal it in your present and future. The new construct of variable time in the Age of Aquarius is replacing many old, fear-based constructs that limited your reality in the Age of Pisces. It is time to carry the love forward, dear ones, and leave all the rest behind. Learning to love all and all learning to love will bring peace to Earth...Peace will come soon, dear ones, for you are bringing it in by sheer faith.”