Last year Marlie's doctor told Shanon that she believed Marlie has a genetic syndrome called Soto Syndrome. When we looked it up online it made sense. Her rapid growth, low tone muscles, even the shape of her eyes and her delayed language development are all symptoms of this syndrome. One would think that if there is a glitch in one's genes that's it, there's nothing you can do. We were taught in High School science that our genes are the blue print of our bodies and there's nothing we can do about it. Well, I'm not one of those who believe such nonsense.
Dr. Bruce Lipton wrote a book, "The Biology of Beliefs" and in it he shares the latest scientific research on genes. Genes are not stagnet. They respond to proteins and proteins respond to beliefs. It's all so fascinating. More than that....our DNA affects the Universal Field. It's much more than I can explain or write about here...if you're interested go get his book.
So, I did a process to affect Marlie's DNA. I wanted to bring balance and harmony of her perfect genetic expression. Well, Shanon just left me a message. Marlie's genetic tests came back negative. She doesn't have Soto Syndrome.
We are amazing creations and we've only begun to recognize the power of our abilities. There is nothing we cannot heal. There is nothing we cannot overcome.