Saturday, August 08, 2009

Next class begins Sept. 9th at 7pm Pacific Time. I'm, once again, rewriting the workbook and creating new CDs for meditation. I have a wonderful personal assistant who has experience with editing and recording and I LOVE her. Just think, it was only two years ago when I made the decision to do this full time. I asked my spirit team for a manager, a bookeeper, a personal assistant and a housekeeper. They've all arrived.

“No one is free whose mind is not like a door with a double-acting hinge swinging outward to release their own ideas and inward to receive the worthy thoughts of others.”

Two graduates of my class sent me an email.


Thank so much for sharing this. What an AWESOME story of our teams at work for us every second of every day. I now notice these things everyday in my life. Everyday there is positive evidence in my life. Every single day! I did not realize all the positive evidence in my life until I worked with you. The universe provides every second of every day.

My brother Todd, as you know, had a very massive heart attack. While Jen and I were there all of last week, Jen performed Reike on my brother while he laid there. While she did that, I was on the other side of the bed holding my brother’s hand and doing a very concentrated 'feel it' on him. As we did this, I felt both of my hands become VERY warm and felt the heat rise from the bottom my back to the top of my back. When doing the 'feel it', I was concentrated on my brother’s was in pain and ached a lot. It was tired, it was not wanting to work anymore.
When we performed this, our intention was for “the greater good of Todd and his family”

This entire process lasted maybe 5 minutes with Jen and I…of course the feel it was only about a minute at best. Jen and I left my brother to rest and we did not think much more about it after doing this.

As of Wednesday this week, my brother is up walking, talking and eating regular food. They did some tests and an echo on his heart yesterday. They could not find any damage to his heart from the heart attack. The Doctors are stunned and so is everyone else involved in his treatment. They are anticipating discharging him on Monday!!!! Obviously, Jen and I know why and how my brother was healed. We felt this in our hearts and our teams guided us to take action. Keep in mind my brother coded 8 different times and was shocked back to life 3 different times. He was on life support for over a week. When we arrived, his outlook was very bleak. The doctors also told us that he blew out the 2 valves on the right side of his heart and that he blew out the entire right side of his heart. They were not confident in his long term health with regard to the damage done.

Everyone is calling this a miracle. Jen and I know it’s the power we all hold in us.

The work you do is beyond important….it is critical during this shift and cleansing. WE LOVE YOU AND WE THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!