Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Along Came A Secondary

There I was, minding my own business, when POW! I got hit over the head with a giant secondary. For those of you unfamiliar with the definition of a secondary, it is a previously created primary. What is a primary you ask? It is a belief or intention. When we say, "Yes, that's true." to a statement we hear, we activate it in our expanded awareness as a primary belief. That's all well and good until you come along and create something new that may be in conflict with that primary. Let's say, for instance, you heard your momma say, "Life is hard." so many times that you agreed to it. You said, "Yes, that must be true. Life IS hard." So, running on a meridian of energy is this creation called, "Life is hard." It runs in the background of your mind as a primary decide that you're sick and tired of life being so hard and you want life to be fun, or peaceful, or happy or easy. So, you say during your meditations, as a mantra, "Life is peaceful...I am life is easy." Ooops. There's an instant conflict. Running in the background is that sneaky primary that has now become a secondary. Your new primary intention is, "Life is easy." The secondary, "Life is hard." reasserts itself. Suddenly you are bombarded with all of your "Life is hard." perceptions. That's what happened to me.

I've been absent from this blog for sometime now. I've been exploring my subconscious mind, searching for the secondaries that were blocking my new primary. Sometimes they seem completely transparent and create an experience of feeling lost or confused or separated from Spirit. Finding oneself on the wrong highway in the middle of a creation one doesn't remember creating causes resistance to experiencing what is. Taking responsibility for our experiences allows them to flow. Loving what is happening, even if it sucks, frees the creation up to move along. But, when we resist, it persists. That's what I did. I resisted and resisted and resisted. The more blocked I became, the more frustrating my life became. I ran into walls, felt physically ill, created a drama or two, until....POW! I remembered to ask my inner coach to show me the truth. "What belief to I hold in my expanded awareness that is creating this experience?" Low and behold. It works everytime, you just have to remember stop resisting and ask.

We hold millions upon millions of false beliefs in our unconscious mind. Ideas passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, to granddaughters. We don't question them, we accept them as truths, we allow them to run the show and we repeat them often. "That's just how men are." "That just how women are." "You can't trust government." "Money doesn't come easy you know." All of that junk clogs up the mind, the body and prevents us from fully expressing our truth, our authentic selves.

So, I am very happy to announce that I'M BACK! It took some digging, but I back.
Let the party begin!