Saturday, May 24, 2008


I've written before about the veil that separates this dimension from the ethereal, spiritual dimension and how it seems to be thinning. The first time I noticed it was in 2003. In the middle of a session with my friend and client, Steven, we were told to be prepared for this change. The image I was shown was a bit disconcerting. It looked like some kind of explosion. It could have been a volcano, or a large earthquake, or some kind of bomb or tornado. Our spiritual guides and teachers were trying to tell us to prepare, not by buying water supplies and flashlights, but by preparing our brothers and sisters for the major shift of reality. The veil would be thinning.

Being a Girl Scout, I immediately signed up for a CERT class, Community Emergency Response Team. I am fully trained and certified with the Department of Homeland Security to be a first responder in the event of a community emergency. I learned CPR, search and rescue, and a variety of first aid treatments. My garage is fully stocked with emergency water, food, batteries, tents, sleeping bags and camp stove and lanterns. I am prepared, just in case.

However, I have since learned that I was on the wrong track. Not that being prepared is a bad thing, but the shift the spirit guides were showing me was an energetic shift in consciousness. It is the critical mass of the minds of humanity shifting from the dark age mentality. The Hundredth Monkey Theory is, indeed, accurate. There is an explosion of lights turning on in the minds of our brothers and sisters. The old ways of thinking and doing have lead us to the brink of our own destruction. More and more of us are waking up to a new view of what it means to be spiritual beings in physical form. More and more of us are waking up to the truth that we have come here for a purpose.

The stories I am recieving from all over the country and world are showing evidence of this shift in global mind, universal mind. No longer can we pretend that our actions, thoughts, beliefs and emotions are not affecting the whole. We are too big, over 6 billion big, and getting bigger every day.

The inbox on my computer is full of stories about everyday people, not particularly religious people, not even particularly spiritually aware people either, just your everyday, run of the mill, citizen living life like there is no purpose or reason. They are having experiences of seeing or hearing messages from a place "behind their eyes." They have a 'knowing' that they are supposed to be doing something. They are getting messages about change. They are being lead to do the inner work to prepare for this change.

What is this change? What is it going to look like? How do we 'prepare'?

This change is a change in our intelligence. It is a change is our ability to understand and communicate. It is a change in how we relate to each other. It is a change in our perceptions. It is a lifting of the dark energies that have created the violence, anger, blame, resentment, experience. We are being given some Light.
It will look like a global community. We prepare by starting to love ourselves and each other. We will see, soon enough, that we are all connected. We are ONE.

The change is good. We are ready. We have been wanting it.