Thursday, February 11, 2010

In the beginning.....

In mid 1980, when I decided to become a healer, there was a great deal of trepidation about announcing that decision. Society at large was not exactly open to psychic work or Reiki, Feng Shui or mindful practices. Certainly the seeds for expanded consciousness in had been planted in the 60s with the LSD movement and the introduction of Transcendental Meditation to America, but much of the momentum for enlightened living was derailed in the 70s when the un-enlightened misused and misunderstood the purpose of mind expanding experiences.

Today, there are psychic shows on every channel and "Channels" on thousands of websites. Some are phonies, of course, but many more are attuned to receive intuitive guidance and wisdom. Lightworkers are everywhere. We have organized groups, a Holistic Chamber of Commerce,, Yoga masters teaching in local high schools and Centers for Spiritual Living popping up in the most unexpected places. Times have changed, indeed.

In the beginning we kept our gifts and talents a secret, even from ourselves. We hid in a closet of our own making. In 2010, we are coming out of those closets and giving birth to a new awareness of who we really are. Are you ready to "Know thyself"? Are you feeling a desire to live a more enlightened purposeful life? If you are, you are being called to awaken from your unconscious living. There are many Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Guides and Teachers here because the veil between this 3rd dimension reality and the 4th and 5th dimensions has thinned. We are not alone on our journey through this Global Consciousness Shift. In the 60s we called it the New Age, the Age of Aquarius. It has arrived.