Sunday, September 13, 2009


For months I've been getting information about 9/12 being a significant date. I didn't know if something was going to happen that would create a huge wave of media attention or if it would be a simple blip barely registering a change in our awareness. Not 9/11 and not 9/09 but 9/12.

I reveived dozens of emials about 9/09/09 being a day to meditate for world peace and emails remembering that terrible day, 9/11/01, but nothing about the 12th. But everytime I looked through my intuitive window, there it was, September 12th. So, what happened yesterday that so important? I don't think it was anything about Mercury in retrograde, or Macy's sale. I've scoured the news websites for anything that would mark the date but,...nothing...except....the economic downturn has stabalized. The first good news about the economy...things are turning around. Woo-hoo.