Jan, a 51 year old female, was in a tragic car accident last year and she suffered a sever brain injury and she's been unable to communicate since that day and her body has contracted. Her family contacted me a few weeks ago when her doctors informed them that the insurance company will no longer pay for her hospital stay. The doctors suggested, strongly, to send her to a hospice facility in order to let her go, which would mean stop feeding her or giving her liquids. Within a few days she would be gone. Her family wanted to know if I could contact her spirit and ask her if she wanted to stay or was she ready to leave her body for her next journey.
On my first distant visit with Jan she turned her back on me. She didn't want to communicate at all. She had a field of energy around her that was keeping her in a state of being that was neither here nor there. The intuitive messages I got about her were clear that she could go either way but she just hadn't made up her mind. If she decided to return fully to this here and now, physical reality, fully present and connected to all of her senses, she absolutely could. This, of course, was good news to her family, however, Jan still had to decide.
We made an agreement. I told her I would assist her with Reiki energy work to help her return if she should decide to but the decision was finally hers. I offered her a vision of what her future here would look like if she should choose to return which simply offered up a bit of inspiration.
Many questions were asked and we worked on deleting some of the emotional baggage that she was holding onto from her previous life before the "accident". She was holding a great deal of anger and resentment from her past. We worked on forgiveness and healing her heart.
It seemed important to do some hands-on work with Jan so I flew to her city and met her face to face. Our sessions in the hospital made it very clear to me that she was ready to make a decision. After four sessions she made great improvements. She made eye contact with me, and when we worked on forgiveness she wept.
It's clear to me that Jan is ready to participate in her recovery. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
For months I've been getting information about 9/12 being a significant date. I didn't know if something was going to happen that would create a huge wave of media attention or if it would be a simple blip barely registering a change in our awareness. Not 9/11 and not 9/09 but 9/12.
I reveived dozens of emials about 9/09/09 being a day to meditate for world peace and emails remembering that terrible day, 9/11/01, but nothing about the 12th. But everytime I looked through my intuitive window, there it was, September 12th. So, what happened yesterday that so important? I don't think it was anything about Mercury in retrograde, or Macy's sale. I've scoured the news websites for anything that would mark the date but,...nothing...except....the economic downturn has stabalized. The first good news about the economy...things are turning around. Woo-hoo.
I reveived dozens of emials about 9/09/09 being a day to meditate for world peace and emails remembering that terrible day, 9/11/01, but nothing about the 12th. But everytime I looked through my intuitive window, there it was, September 12th. So, what happened yesterday that so important? I don't think it was anything about Mercury in retrograde, or Macy's sale. I've scoured the news websites for anything that would mark the date but,...nothing...except....the economic downturn has stabalized. The first good news about the economy...things are turning around. Woo-hoo.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Kids are doing great!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Where In The Universe Are We?

The answer to that is, "right here."
In a galaxy of billions of stars, planets and moons, Earth circles the Milky Way every 250,000 years. It is spinning around the Solar System every 365 days, rotating on its axis every 24 hours, moving above and below the galactic equator every 150,000 years, with the precision of which can be timed and measured down to the second. Ages and ages of Earth's and mankind's evolution are documented by geologists, archaeologists and astronomers, and predicted by sages and prophets. And here we are, as predicted, closing in on the year 2010, hundreds of thousands of years since our first appearance on this globe, sitting on the edge of an evolutionary leap in consciousness.
Where are we? What are we learning? When will we awaken? How will it look when we do? Who will lead us out of our old paradigm of 'self'ish thinking and into 'self'less thinking before our planet begins another cycle?
We see, everyday, on the news, the greed and selfish thinking that took us to the brink of an economic collapse. The 'me, mine, and my' perspective drives the denial of health care reform and the resistance to idea that we are all ONE. 'Me, mine and my' thoughts drive the scandalous and criminal behavior of govenors, senators and our own brothers and sisters. Addictions and dysfunctions govern the fearful. This old thinking has nearly depleted Earhts resources so we fight wars and kill each other for the last drops of oil and water.
We are here. We are here in this soup of fear and anger, judgment and blame, unkowingly creating more of the same.
My healers class always begins with, "A healer must meet people in the reality they believe in." We are here, flying through the Universe on a planet that can no longer sustain our mindlessness and believing we have the right to continue the same thinking and action that led us to this critical moment. We think our reality is the only reality.
The air that we breathe, the food that we eat, the water that we drink comes from the seasons, cycles and rhythms of Mother Earth and that governs our lives yet, we continue to think its all about our personal experience of survival. Now is the time to awaken from that old way of being before our planet kicks us off, like the parasites we have become.
What we learn, when we learn it and how our lives will look when we do may not be a choice. But, how we manage our lives and our emotions, is.
The timing of Earths rotation and cycles matters to our timing because of how energy effects our ability to change. We are affected by her seasons and her relative movements through space through a system of bioenergetics. Energies strengthen and weaken in cycles and we are influenced by the energies of other planets and stars. These changes occur regularly and we can predict them. Cosmic forces effect sub-atomic activity and vice verse.
Here we sit, on the edge of a great shift as we complete the galactic cycle. How will it look when we get to the other side depends on you and how you manage your energy. It depends on me and how I manage mine. It depends on US. We are not without power to use this time to shift the fear, anger and blame and the "me, mine, and my" mentality to the "We, Us and Ours" perspective. Only then can we hope to move into the next cycle with Light, Love and Compassion.
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