Emergency readings don't come my way often but I've had two this week. In fact, I thought I had three, but the third one turned out not to be. One was from a psychologist whose client was seeing inter dimensional beings and had been suffering with the social, psychological and monetary consequences one might expect when one is being visited daily by beings nobody else can see. The other was a young woman who had received some disturbing news about her fiance and his sexual preferences and she wanted to ask for guidance about whether to go ahead with the wedding next week or to run for the hills. I don't give advice, I just say what I see and what I am told.
The first client is a 40 year old single man who has been tormented with the visitation of beings of the non-human variety. In fact, more of the 'alien' variety. I spent four hours with him yesterday and had the most amazing experience I have ever had in any reading and that's saying something. After 25 or 30 years of readings and telepathic communications I truly thought I had seen and heard everything. I was wrong.
The reason his doctor referred him to me was to determine if what he was seeing was actually spiritual images and entities rather than alien images. She also wanted to be assured that he was not suicidal.
His adventure began two and a half years ago and hasn't let up. He admitted himself to a hospital for testing to rule out an organic cause for such visions, such as tumors or lesions or chemical imbalance. The hospital put him through a battery of tests not limited to MRI and CT Scans and bloodwork. He was told after several days of complete and thorough examination that he was, indeed, perfectly healthy.
After several more weeks of these alien visits and a subsequent abduction he found himself on the doorsteps of a church. Surely, he thought, he would find safety in God's house. Unfortunatly, he was wrong. They joined him there as well. He gave a confession to the priest on duty and then asked him to please take him to a psychiatric hospital for a voluntary committment. He spent 72 hours in lockdown where he took many more tests. When the 72 hours were up, his psychiatrists released him and told him that he wasn't crazy. One of the doctors told him that he believed what he was saying is true and that it is not his imagination nor is it an hullucination. He is not insane.
In the meantime, he has lost almost every friend and his family doesn't want to hear anymore stories about his trauma.
So, yesterday, for four hours, we sat in my office to determine who is who, and what is what. He is no longer suicidal and that is the good news. I gave him some communication tools and opened an avenue for him to follow without fear. These beings come, not from another planet, but from another time and another dimension. I've heard of them before but have never met or seen one.
After he left last night and after I closed my office, I sat down and turned on the television. There was Larry King talking to a man who had been having the same experiences. He had captured a photo of one of the beings looking through his window. Larry followed up with experts and witnesses from past U.S. Presidents, Senators, Govenors, Mayors, Police, Pilots, Astronauts and everyday Americans who have seen the orbs, lights, ships and beings.
I've said before that the veil is thinning, but I had no idea where it would lead.
I'm not sure what to make of it all but I will be looking into it.