If I could have only one wish granted, it would be for every parent to be brilliantly patient, loving and appropriately protective of their children. I would wish for each parent to be sober, present and to learn to be a loving disciplinarian. I would ask that they spend more time than money and teach more spiritual lessons than lessons about anything else. Of course, that would put me out of work and every therapist, psychologist and counselor too.
Here is a list of good parenting messages from, "Body, Self and Soul". These are basic verbal and non-verbal messages a child needs to feel in order to thrive. If the child is given and thus internalizes these messages, he/she will not have compulsory need later on-as adults- to get them from others. People who carry witin themselves the Good Parent Messgaes as an existential feeling of coherence and who are in contact with their core self, will feel "okay" the way they are.
I love you.
I will tell you >no< and that's also because I love you.
It's not what you do but what you are I love.
I see you and I hear you.
If you fall down, I will pick you up.
You are handsome. I give you the permission to love and enjoy your erotic sexuality and not lose me.
My love will make you well.
You can trust your inner voice.
You don't have to be alone anymore.
You don't have to be afraid anymore.
I will take care of you.
I have confidence in you.
You can trust me.
I want you.
I love your vitality.
I will be there for you.
I give you the permission to be the same as I am, or to be more or less.
You are special to me.
You can be different from me and I will still love you.
And I would add, "there is nothing you can't do, be or have when you use your inner voice as guidance."