A question was posed after Saturday's workshop. What is the difference between a psychic and a medium and what does clairvoyant mean?
All mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums. A psychic can have any number of 'hits' on the energetic level. They may have prophetic images, messages or dreams. They may be able to pick up energy and messages from objects like someones car keys or photos, to name only two. On the show "Psychic Challenge" one woman found a specific car in a parking lot of thirty or so. She went right to the one with the person hiding in the trunk.
A medium is a psychic who can do much of that sort of thing but who can also contact spirits on the other side of the veil separating this physical dimension from the ethereal dimension. A medium can communicate with the other side and those spirits, like family members and friends, and guides, teachers, angels and ascended masters who are willing to connect. I am both. I am a psychic/medium.
Now, a psychic or medium can use several sixth sense abilities. I use clairvoyant (clear seeing)and clairsentient (clear feeling) abilities. I can see and feel communication as well as receive telepathic communication. I am not clairaudient although I would like to develop that ability. Hearing names and numbers would be much easier than trying to decipher a name from a symbol.
I hope that answered your question. Email me if you need more clarification.