Friday, March 31, 2006

Hands On Healing...

Reiki, Touch For Health, Hands On Healing....They're all pretty much the same training with a few differences. It really comes down to your intention. What do you 'intend' with your hands, your energy, your heart? Reiki has a specific attunement process to clear you as a channel of healing energy, but the bottom line is this....
What is your intention? What is your focus? To maintain your focus, Reiki Masters and Practitioners use Reiki symbols. It is worth your time and effort to find a Reiki Master in your area for an attunement and a simple class to teach you how to channel healing energy into your body or into the body of someone in need. The only thing you need to do before you attempt to heal another, is to ask for their permission. You, me, everyone has this ability to heal animals, children, plants, each other.
More importantly, we have the ability to channel that same energy to heal ourselves. Have a headache? Have unhealthy blood pressure? Poor circulation? Blocked sexual energy? Chronic pain? Digestive complaints? These are the most common complaints doctors receive. They have drugs to mask the symptoms and most of those medications have serious side effects. Reiki's only side effect is Enlightenment. It's easy, it's fun and it's empowering.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Channeling, the next adventure...

New life, new beginnings, new opportunities abound. I've been in the middle of major changes in my life. I have a new office, a new garden, a new practice with a new name, and a new opportunity to 'channel' which I've never done before. I'm an intuitive healer and in the past I've been able to see things that others cannot. I've had that ability since I was a small child. My mother, her mother and my grandmother's mother all had the same 'gift'. I, however, have taken that gift, and developed it and worked with it and honed it, so that now, it is second nature to see energies and entities and the truth about those who are still here. On New Year's I asked for guidance and direction for a new endeavor. I am ready for more. Soon after, within a few weeks, I was told that the spirit guides wanted to speak 'through' me. That is to say, they wanted to use my body, my voice, to speak their own words, not my interpretation of what I see. It's more efficient, for sure, and the information will not be affected by my own beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. But, I've never attempted that before and never thought I wanted to be that kind of Intuitive. I've seen many channelers before and the whole process was just a little weird to me, just a little frightening. But that was a very long time ago. I've changed, my life has changed and as I've said, so has my practice. I still do bodywork, massage, Reiki, Deep Meditation Massage but the Intuitive Healing Sessions have become very popular and seem to be taking over as the major piece of what I do. People are ready to see the truth, I guess. They want to know the truth about what their purpose, their relationships, their past lives, and who their spirit guides and teachers are. They want to practice meditation and they want to see the whole truth, not just what they believed the truth to be. They're ready to take responsibility for their own healing which makes my work so much more satisfying.

So, I've been processing my fears and resistance and continuing my sessions as I've always done. It's just a matter of time though. I know it's coming and I'm sure it will be an exciting and powerful experience. Each new ability, each new evolution of my work always brings with it profound awareness and joy. So, there you have it folks. I'll be writing more about my work as it goes. It's a fascinating transformational experience.

I'm like the woman in the Mervyn's commercial, talking to my throat chakra...."Open, open open"

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It had to be done....again

I've deleted entire blogs in the past and recreated them from saved files. I promise this will be the last time. LOL It's part of the Spring Cleaning I'm into. I've created a new office, a new garden and a new practice. So, here you have it, the new and improved, beach city woman.