The next teleconference "Intuitive Coaching Class" will begin on June 3rd. We will meet every Tuesday at 5 PM Pacific time for 24 weeks. Each class will be recorded if you should have to miss a session and you will have access to the recording to download for your permanent records. We will meet for approximately one hour and may occasionally go to 90 minutes. Class notes will be provided via email and the course includes 6 private, one-on-one coaching sessions with me plus ongoing email support for direction and mentoring.
This empowering course will provide you with the following.
* You will activate your connection to your over soul, your inner intuitive coach, or your higher-self. This will lead you to self realization. "Know thyself."
* You will activate your spiritual team for the support of your journey to enlightenment. Your team will pre-pave your journey according to your primary intentions.
* You will learn how to create your outer sacred space and your inner sacred temple for the purpose of communicating with your inner intuitive coach and spiritual team.
* You will learn how your emotional energy (vibration) affects the experience of your outer and inner world.
* You will receive the tools, processes and procedures to manage your emotional energy (vibration) which will allow you the freedom to choose how you want to feel, such as choosing to feel peace no matter what is going on around you.
* You will learn, not so much by the word lessons I teach, but by experiencing the processes, that you are indeed the source of your experiences. "To believe it, is to be living it."
* You will activate an energetic connection to Mother Earth energies. The seasons, cycles and rhythms of the planet effect your seasons and cycles and rhythms and vice verse. As you move up the tone scale to the higher vibrating energies and emotions you will shift from fear, anger, and resentment, to hope, happiness, and peace. This shift will allow you see and experience the positive evidence that you are indeed effecting the global conscious energy patterns. (see, "Power vs. Force")
* You will activate your sixth sense to feel the vibrational differences of truth vs. falsehoods. You will be able to 'read' the vibrations of 'yes' and 'no', 'right' and 'wrong'. This aspect will turn you into your very own lie detector, including the lies your unconscious mind is speaking. Those are the previously created beliefs that are preventing you from shifting your reality. 95% of your mind is your unconscious mind playing programs that may or may not be serving your highest good or the highest good of humanity and the planet.
* You will learn to dis-create the beliefs that no longer serve your highest good and the highest good of other people, the planet and your experience of prosperity.
* You will learn to define what prosperity means to you therefore allowing you the space to conceive your intention, perceive your vision, achieve your desires. It is the universal law in action.