Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Healing the Wounds That Bind.

We are bound by our resistance to feel that which we judge uncomfortable or painful. Who wants to feel pain and grief? Who wants to experience anger and fear? We resist those emotions through denial, judgment and mind numbing habits whenever possible. Most of us would rather watch mind numbing television than feel our pain. We drink to avoid them, shop to avoid them, have sex to avoid them and eat to suppress them. However, it is not the experience of the emotions we're resisting that causes the pain and suffering. It is the resistance itself that is the cause of our inner turmoil. It is the resistance to feeling that keeps us stuck, unable to move forward to our desired experiences.

Healing the wounds of the heart and soul requires courage, the same courage needed to jump out of a plane or ride your first roller coaster. The fear is primal, it feels like our survival is at stake. The ego jumps in to rescues us with lots of excuses and ideas to squander our time with projects or addictions. I say we cannot move forward until we look back and unbind the ties of resistance to that which we perceive to be "negative" emotions because, in truth, there are no "bad" emotions. Emotions are simply energy in motion. Not good, not bad, just energy.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, this is the Year of the Golden Tiger, which symbolizes courage. It requires courage to allow all of our feelings to come to the surface for full expression in order for the energy to be transmuted. Feeling them, without resistance is the work of the Spiritual Warrior.